Miracle Mile (2024)
A touching independent film with moments of absolute gold
19 April 2024
I initially struggled to get into this film, because I wasn't ready to sit through one and a half hours of hallmark-grade sap. After the gang hit the road, though, I found myself laughing too hard to care.

Miracle Mile isn't a perfect film, and it isn't a masterpiece. It is a solidly-written, moderately-performed, excellently-scored drama, loaded with moments of absolute comedy gold. Norman's incident with the ice-cream crazed children, Norman's incident with the loudspeaker and highway patrol, and Norman's incident with the fellow road-rager in the motel parking lot all stand out as moments I was laughing until I nearly cried.

The film has starkly Christian tones throughout, but I have to say the main moral that I took away was this: You should never road trip with Norman!
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