Review of The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy (2024)
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film left much to be desired, as it seemed to be a collection of haphazard action scenes with a lack of coherent plot. A well-structured narrative could have significantly improved the viewing experience.

The plot had several implausible elements that were hard to overlook. For instance, a high-profile individual commits a crime in front of numerous witnesses, yet no one reports it to the authorities. Furthermore, the character Colt is implicated in the crime despite not being in the country at the time, which raises questions about the storyline's credibility.

Another puzzling aspect was the handling of crucial evidence. A bystander records the crime on their phone but inexplicably leaves the footage undeleted. Colt discovers this but neither shares it with others nor reports it to the police. The subsequent destruction and inexplicable recovery of the video further muddle the plot.

The film also seems to exist in a world devoid of law enforcement. High-speed car chases and crashes occur without any police intervention, and bystanders appear indifferent to these events, which detracts from the film's realism.

The dialogue was another weak point, coming across as uninspired and stilted. It lacked the spark that could have made the interactions between characters engaging.

Speaking of characters, the main protagonists lacked chemistry. Their interactions felt forced and lacked the emotional depth that could have made the audience invest in their journey.

Lastly, the presence of numerous perfect scores in the reviews section raises eyebrows. It would be beneficial if platforms like IMDB could implement measures to prevent the proliferation of such seemingly automated reviews.

In conclusion, this film was a disappointment. Despite its potential, it failed to deliver a compelling narrative or engaging characters. My rating for this film is a regrettable 0/10.
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