Sahara (1995 TV Movie)
A fictional WW2 action movie that takes place in North Africa
28 July 2024
Fictional movie that takes place in the Sahara desert just before the El-Alamein battle in North Africa.

A group of both allied and axis soldiers - consisting of many different countries - ends up together due to fate. With their combined goal of quenching their first, they also try to not only save themselves, but also have an impact the war on a larger scale.

A combination of real WW2 vehicles and weapons of many countries, the movie is a pretty convincing setting that could occur during WW2. The great acting - with in the lead James Belushi - makes this movie an attractive watch. The storyline is a bit over-the-top and at some points exaggarated, but it makes one think of WW2-movies like "Fury", "Inglorious Basterd", or a non-WW2 movie like "The Expandables".

Overall, I found this movie an enjoyable watch and score it at 6.2/10, resulting in an IMDb score of 6 stars. Of course there are many other WW2 movies that are a way better alternative. But if you are interested in a simple movie, that takes place in the North African desert during WW2, this movie might fit that purpose.
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