The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (1966) Poster

Alan Arkin: Lieutenant Rozanov



  • Walt Whittaker : Look, can I give you some advice? You'll never make it down to the harbor. Why don't you all give yourselves up? Either you'll kill somebody, or you'll get killed. Either way - you could start a war!

    Rozanov : What is your name?

    Walt Whittaker : Whittaker. Walt...

    Rozanov : Pay mark to this, Whittaker Walt. We must have boat. Even now may be too late. This is your island; I make your responsibility. You help us get boat quickly, otherwise there is World War III, and everybody is blaming *you*!

  • Rozanov : [to Walt]  Always I am saying goodbye to you, and always I am meeting you again.

    [Rozanov hands his gun to Walt] 

    Pete Whittaker : [to Rozanov]  You'd better surrender 'cause my Dad has all the guns! So you'd just better surrender...

    Walt Whittaker : Pete. Be quiet!

    Walt Whittaker : [to Rozanov]  I'm sorry. Are you hurt?

    Rozanov : I'm wounded in dignity only. Please, I know everybody on this island is complete and total crazy. But you, Whittaker Walt? You are crazy too? I only came back here to get Kolchin.

    Walt Whittaker : [stammering]  It's just that when I saw you and the gun, well, I thought something had happened to Annie, our daughter. I'm sorry, I... I wasn't trying to... Well, I... I was trying to kill you, I'll admit that, but it wasn't... I mean, it wasn't anything personal.

    Rozanov : Hmm... don't do it no more.

    Walt Whittaker : No. No. It's the last time I'll ever shoot anybody.

    Rozanov : Peace.

    [Rozanov extends his hand] 

    Walt Whittaker : Peace.

    [Walt takes Rozanov's hand and shakes it] 

  • Pete Whittaker : Ask them if they're Russians!

    Walt Whittaker : Peter, be quiet.

    Rozanov : [in a thick Russian accent]  Very clever little boy. Very, very clever, to see that my friend and I are foreigners here, but of course not Russian, naturally. What would the Russians be doing on United States of America island, with so many animosities and hatreds between these two countries? It is too funny an idea, is it not? No, we... we are of course... Norweegans.

    Walt Whittaker : Norwegians?

    Rozanov : [nodding]  On a small training exercise for the Nyaato countries...

    Alexei Kolchin : NATO!

    Rozanov : Nay-toe countries, of course, yes. Ah, to reach place of power motorboats it is necessary to make borrowings of automobile, for a short time only, sir.

    Walt Whittaker : Uh... uh... may, may I ask you something, please?

    Rozanov : Yes, of course.

    Walt Whittaker : Are, are there nine of you out there, and are you all Russians with machine guns, and does one of you look like Uncle Ha... I meant, look like a wrestler?

    Rozanov : [beat]  Unnnnnnngh... I am sorry to, uh, comply with your statement, but misfortunately, all of the answers to these questions are... yes.

    [Rozanov draws gun] 

  • Rozanov : It is necessary for you to remain in this house at most vigorously for short time only.

    Walt Whittaker : Well, we're not going anywhere but...

    Rozanov : Good! Please to remain absolutely good behaved so that this man, marksman of prize winning caliber, will not have the necessity of shooting you to small pieces!

    Rozanov : [in Russian to Kolchin]  Watch them.

    [Rozanov points to Peter] 

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  And especially watch that little bastard too.

  • Link Mattocks : Tell the Captain he's under arrest.

    Rozanov : But I...

    Link Mattocks : Tell the Captain he's under arrest!

    Rozanov : [in Russian, subtitled]  The policeman says you are under arrest.

    Captain : [laughs loudly, speaking in Russian, subtitled]  Tell him that I'm going to blow this town to pieces!

    Link Mattocks : [to Rozanov]  What did he say?

    Rozanov : Well, he's angry, yes. He says, "you stupid idiot," he will blow up the town.

  • [first lines] 

    [Rozanov arrives on the bridge of the Russian submarine after learing from the chart man how close they are to the USA coast] 

    Rozanov : [in Russian, subtitled]  What is it Captain? What are you doing?

    Rozanov : [to a chart man in Russian]  Show me our position.

    [the chart man shows Rozanov how close they are to an island] 

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  What? *What*? Tovarich Captain...

    Captain : [in Russian]  Take it easy.

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  Permit me, Captain. Look at our position.

    Captain : [in Russian]  I don't need your advice.

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  But this is dangerous! The chart is old! We do not know these waters.

    Russian sailor : [in Russian]  Comrade Captain, our depth is at twenty-eight fathoms.

    Rozanov : Tovarich Captain...

    Captain : [in Russian]  Rozanov, shut up! You are a fool!

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  What? But we're at twenty-eight!

    Captain : [in Russian]  Leave the tower or I'll place you under arrest!

    Russian sailor : [in Russian]  Twenty-three fathoms.

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  Don't you hear it?

    Captain : [in Russian]  Rozanov, I gave you an order!

    [after a pause as the beeping of the sonar grows more intense] 

    Russian sailor : [in Russian]  Sixteen fathoms!

    Rozanov : [in Russian to the sailors]  Surface! Stop engines!

    Captain : [in Russian]  How dare you!

    Russian sailor : [in Russian]  Twelve fathoms!

    Captain : [in Russian]  Down periscope! Full speed astern!

    Russian sailor : [in Russian, looking as the sonar]  Eight... seven... six... five...

    [the submarine shutters violently as it runs aground] 

  • Muriel Everett : It's those those high school kids...

    [she sees the Russians and then runs into her house] 

    Muriel Everett : Russians! Russians!

    Rozanov : [in Russian, subtitled]  Gromolsky, go shut her up... but gently!

  • Captain : [in Russian, subtitled]  Comrade, won't you come aboard? Where is everybody?

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  Comrade Captain, didn't Lysenko reach you?

    Captain : [in Russian]  Lysenko? No. Why do you think I'm here, huh?

    Rozanov : Tovarishch Kapitan...

    Captain : [in Russian]  Comrade Lieutenant Rozanov, immediately deliver all the shore party aboard.

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  They're not here!

    Captain : [in Russian]  Rozanov, the Americans are lying to you. Don't belive them. They are holding my sailors prisoners.

    Rozanov : Tovarishch Kapitan...

    Captain : [in Russian]  Comrade Lieutenant Rozanov, I'm giving an order to deliver all my men aboard. Otherwise, I will straighten out this island in such a manner that nobody will be able to find it! I will explode it, do you here me? I will obliterate it from the face of the Earth! I'm giving you three minutes!

  • [the Russians are driving along the road when they see Alison on the road on her bicycle] 

    Hrushevsky : [in Russian, subtitled]  Hey, look at that. An American woman. Did you see the build on that...

    Rozanov : [in Russian]  Shut up Hurshevsky, and just drive the car!

  • Rozanov : Is great idea. I send my men fifty paces and *blooey*! I congratulate you on extreme genius of this plan. Ptooey!

  • Link Mattocks : [to the Russian sub captain after telling him that he's under arrest]  All right, let's have your name and address.

    Rozanov : [translating in Russian]  He wants our address.

    Captain : [to the Russian sailors, in Russian]  Point your gun... take aim right between their eyes!

  • Rozanov : So we don't have to be shooting you into small pieces.

  • Rozanov : How many members of the police department here? 20? 40?

    Walt Whittaker : Maybe three or four.

    Pete Whittaker : Don't tell 'em anything. He hasn't even tortured you yet.

  • Rozanov : We shouldn't scare them. They must'nt know that we are Russians.

See also

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