Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated PG for sci-fi action violence

Sex & Nudity

  • A powerful gangster keeps a handful of enslaved females. They are shown in highly revealing outfits.
  • A woman is captured by a slug-like villain and it is subtly implied that she is forced to become his sex slave. He is shown trying to lick her face before the scene cuts away. Later she is made to wear a bikini-like outfit and is chained to sit lying against him.

Violence & Gore

  • Luke throws a skull at a gate switch. Then a huge creature is impaled with the gate spikes, no blood is shown.
  • A large space battle has spacecrafts being destroyed on both sides of the war.
  • A land battle has several aliens and people shot and killed (no blood).
  • Two people are shot or grazed in the arm and hand in great detail.
  • A lightsaber fight between two main characters ends with one's hand being dismembered: no blood.
  • Uniformed combatants are attacked or killed by large machines' laser fires or are beaten and battered by Ewoks.
  • While punishing somebody, a man is lifted up off his feet by a third party, pulled away from his victim as he grunts, and tossed over some railing into a deep shaft. Screaming as he is falling, he explodes nearer toward the bottom of the shaft.
  • A man briefly fistfights with an enemy before flipping him over his back.
  • The rancor is released from its cage (very grotesque looking) and eats a pig guard. No blood, but the guards body is shown being eaten onscreen. Intense.
  • An Ewok gets killed in an explosion.


  • 2 incomplete utterances of "What the f--k?", and a very brief & easy-to-miss f-word by Luke towards the end when he is being electrocuted nearly to death by the emperor.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Jabba the Hutt smokes something.
  • Alcohol is implied to be in Jabba's palace.
  • An Ewok can be seen smoking a pipe.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • While this is the most lighthearted Star Wars film, it's also one of the most emotional, too.
  • A slave is dropped into the pit with the rancor. She has a horrified look on her face and trembles in fear as she sees the rancor. The rancor then eats her alive. We see half of her body crushed in the rancor's mouth and then we hear her screams of pain off screen.
  • Suggested MPA Re-Rating: PG-13 for Intense Sci-Fi Action Violence, and Brief Strong Language.
  • Luke and his friends are led to the pit of a giant desert monster to be fed alive. Luke is the first to walk the plank to drop from a small craft, but with his friends in position to help him, he twists and uses the plank as a springboard to jump back and begin the battle against Jabba the Hutt's gang.
  • Emperor Palpatine has a deformed visage, and he has a creepy voice.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Palpatine downright tortures Luke with energy lightning blasts. It's fairly brutal. Luckily, Darth Vader saves Luke.
  • Threatened, grazed or struck by a man wielding a lightsaber or facing unexpected perils, at the site of a botched execution, at least three or four guards and other combatants are shown falling into a sand pit that has a monster's mouth at its base or sliding into the mouth. Some are shown being eaten onscreen by the creature.
  • Jabba the Hutt squirms and struggles as somebody uses a metal chain to strangle him to death.
  • Uniformed combatants from opposites sides of the war struggle with and bump each other at times as they engage in a high-speed vehicle chase through a forest. (The vehicles are "speeder bikes", which are designed to be ridden in the same way that a horse or a bike is, but have guns mounted to them as military crafts.) Other times a combatant is firing upon the enemy ahead of him or to the side of him. One man's speeder bike is invaded by his enemy, and he is thrown off of it, his body brutally colliding with the stalk of a large tree. The front of another man's speeder bike is damaged by a lightsaber, as the bike passes the weapon's stationary user, and the bike destabilizes, crashing into a the stalk of a large tree, exploding and killing the man. The man had been firing at the wielder too as he approached him. A total of three crash-and-burns occur either because the operator's vehicle was damaged or he was distracted.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Darth Vader dies in front of Luke.
  • One of Jabba's Gammorean Guards is eaten by a Rancor. Although not stated in the film, it is canonical that the guard lives. UPDATE: the Gamorrean Guard who was eaten by the Rancor in ROTJ did not survive. This was confirmed after Disney bought the rights to all Star Wars material.
  • Oola is forcefully dropped through a trap door into the rancor pit, where she is then gruesomely devoured by a menacing monster. The look of fear, horror, and despair on her face during her final moments can be emotionally distressing to viewers. Her deafening screams of pain are then heard off camera.
  • Jabba keeps a monster known as a Rancor under his throne room. With the switch of a button, Jabba can drop anyone into the monster's pit and watch them be eaten alive. Only when Jabba tries to feed Luke to it do we see it in the flesh, with razor-sharp teeth and long arms to pick up its victims. Luke uses his quick wits and the remains of some of its victims to eventually kill the beast before he himself is eaten.
  • Darth Vader's battered body is helplessly pulled across the floor to a space shuttle. There, his helmet is removed. While this scene is touching, his head is very pale (chalk white) and scarred.
  • The scene where the Emperor, who has become extremely angry, works on killing Luke (squirming and screaming as he is electrocuted) and is then himself attacked and destroyed by Darth Vader is violent and intense.
  • Jabba the Hutt violently squirms and struggles against Princess Leia strangling him with a metal chain as he dies.

See also

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