Red Dead Redemption II (Video Game 2018) Poster

(2018 Video Game)

Roger Clark: Arthur Morgan



  • Arthur Morgan : Listen to me. When the times comes, you gotta run and don't look back. This is over.

  • Arthur Morgan : We each got... fifteen dollars. Oh, and a quarter. Don't forget the quarter.

    Dutch van der Linde : Shut up, Arthur.

  • Arthur Morgan : Lennnyyyyy! Lennnnay!

  • Arthur Morgan : I guess I... I'm afraid.

    Sister Calderón : There is nothing to be afraid of, Mr. Morgan. Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act.

  • Arthur Morgan : [to Dutch Van Der Linde]  I gave you all I had...

  • Arthur Morgan : [Upon learning Micah had betrayed the gang]  All them years Dutch, for this snake?

  • Arthur Morgan : John made it... He's the only one. Rest of us... no. But... I tried. In the end... I did.

  • Arthur Morgan : Nothin' means more to me than this gang. I would kill for it. I would happily die for it. I wish things were different... But it weren't us who changed.

  • Andrew Milton : You're a wanted man, Mr. Morgan. Five thousand dollars for your head alone.

    Arthur Morgan : Five thousand dollars? For me? Can I turn myself in?

  • Arthur Morgan : This whole thing is pretty much done. We're more ghosts than people.

  • Arthur Morgan : Were thieves in a world that don't want us anymore.

  • Arthur Morgan : [at the theater]  Stop singing about geography!

  • Dutch van der Linde : Mrs. Alder, will you excuse us?

    Sadie Adler : When are you gonna let me come robbing with you, Dutch?

    Dutch van der Linde : My lord, few more like her, we could take over the world.

    Arthur Morgan : Few More like her, there wouldn't be much of a world, left.

  • Arthur Morgan : Does this trolley go to Tahiti?

  • Arthur Morgan : [saying goodbye to each other]  Get the hell out of here and be a goddamn man!

    John Marston : You're my brother.

    Arthur Morgan : I know.

  • Arthur Morgan : With all due respect, Dutch... is this Tahiti plan really going to work out?

    Dutch van der Linde : You tell me, Arthur. Is it? Have some goddamn FAITH!

  • Arthur Morgan : [antagonizing Tilly]  Is that perfume you're wearing? Or did a cat piss on some kerosene?

  • Arthur Morgan : I'm here for money. MONEY!

  • Arthur Morgan : You know, we're gonna need to come up with a better story for that scar.

    John Marston : So freezing, bleeding, starving, damn near getting eaten to death ain't good enough for you?

  • Arthur Morgan : [sees Archie glaring at him]  Either you got a lazy eye or a lack of respect. Which is it, boy?

    Archie Downes : I ain't got no lazy eye, nor respect for the likes of you.

    Arthur Morgan : Well, maybe when your mother's finished mourning your father, I'll keep her in black on your behalf. You think on that, boy.

    Archie Downes : Well, maybe you shall, sir, and maybe other events will transpire.

    Arthur Morgan : [chuckles]  You'd best stick to them book, 'cause mark my words on this: vengeance is an idiot's game.

  • Arthur Morgan : [antagonizing Pearson]  I wish you'd stayed at sea with the other walruses.

  • Arthur Morgan : You're a rat!

    Micah Bell : I'm a survivor, black lung. A survivor!

  • Arthur Morgan : [having rescued a man who tries to thank him, but Arthur doesn't speak German]  Look, I'm sorry, friend, I can barely speak English.

  • Arthur Morgan : [greeting a stranger]  I like you mister, you have a kind face.

    Arthur Morgan : [choosing to antagonize]  The kind I'd like to punch.

  • Arthur Morgan : [to Sadie]  A new pair of pants and you think you're Landon Ricketts.

  • Arthur Morgan : You borrowed money from my business partner, Herr Strauss. You owe him. You took the money. He wants it back. What's not to understand?

    [a wounded Thomas accidentally coughs blood into Arthur's face] 

    Arthur Morgan : Where's our money?

    Thomas Downes : I don't have it.

    Arthur Morgan : Sell your place.

    Thomas Downes : We already owe more than it's worth.

    Arthur Morgan : Then sell your wife, or your family, or something. We ain't your idea of charity! Is that clear?

  • Arthur Morgan : So, I met up with Leon. That situation with the workers is dealt with. Captured, tied-up, beaten...

    Dutch van der Linde : Poor bastards.

    Arthur Morgan : No, that was me.

  • Bill Williamson : Morgan, you got throwing knives in your saddle bag. Dutch said you might... I was asked to give them, and I'm doing you the further courtesy of telling you about it.

    Arthur Morgan : Next time you want to give me something, how about you give it to me? 'Stead of hiding it somewhere, hoping the opportunity comes up to mention it.

    Bill Williamson : Last goddamn favor I do you.

  • Charles Smith : What's going on with you?

    Arthur Morgan : What do you mean?

    Charles Smith : You were just gonna send that woman and her children on their way?

    Arthur Morgan : We're wanted men. We got Pinkertons breathing down our necks. We should be moving camp, not running off on some wild goose chase.

    Charles Smith : Come on, Arthur, that's not how you are.

    Arthur Morgan : Well, maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do.

  • Arthur Morgan : Look, just do one thing or the other, not be two people at once.

  • Arthur Morgan : [If Arthur has high honor]  Get up.

    Leopold Strauss : [taken aback]  What?

    Arthur Morgan : Get up!

    [grabs Strauss and pushes him toward his tent] 

    Leopold Strauss : What is wrong?

    Arthur Morgan : Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all.

    Leopold Strauss : What are you doing?

    Arthur Morgan : Something I should have done a long time ago. Get your bag. This it?

    Leopold Strauss : I don't understand.

    Arthur Morgan : [starts packing Strauss' belongings]  I ain't gonna kill ya, though I probably should. You disgust me, and you shame us... if we could be shamed any more than we already are. That should do.

    [hands Strauss the bag] 

    Arthur Morgan : Go!

    Leopold Strauss : I don't understand you...

    Arthur Morgan : [grabs Strauss and shoves him toward the exit of the camp]  Go and get a job!

    Leopold Strauss : You know, they-they say the sick delude themselves. I was your friend.

    Arthur Morgan : You and me, we ain't decent.

    [takes a wad of cash out of his bag and counts out a few bills] 

    Arthur Morgan : But those folks, they was.

    [tosses it on the ground near Strauss] 

    Arthur Morgan : Now here, take that. Take that and get lost!

    Leopold Strauss : [picks up the money]  I'm...

    Arthur Morgan : Leaving.

    [Strauss leaves without another word] 

  • Mr. Pearson : When we ran away from Blackwater, I wasn't able to get supplies in.

    Arthur Morgan : Well, when government agents are huntin' you down, sometimes shopping trips need to be cut short. We'll survive, we always have. And if needs be, we can eat you, you're the fattest.

  • Uncle : You are a sad man, Arthur Morgan, but I know you love me.

    Arthur Morgan : Desperately. You're my favorite parasite. No, ringworm's my favorite parasite; you're my second favorite parasite.

    Uncle : Very funny.

    Arthur Morgan : I lied. Ringworm, then rats with the plague, then you.

    Uncle : Shut up.

  • Uncle : [Arthur has woken him up from sleeping]  I was thinkin'.

    Arthur Morgan : Does it pay well?

    Uncle : Well, eventually.

    Arthur Morgan : So, while the rest of us are busy stealing, killing, lying, fighting to try and survive, you get to think all day.

    Uncle : It's a strange world we live in, Arthur Morgan.

  • Arthur Morgan : [a man speaks in German]  How did someone even come up with them words?

  • Andrew Milton : We offered you a deal, Mr. Morgan. You should have taken it.

    Arthur Morgan : I'm a fool, Mr. Milton.

    Andrew Milton : Not all you boys have quite so many scruples. Old Micah Bell...

    Arthur Morgan : Micah? You mean Molly.

    Andrew Milton : Molly O'Shea? We sweated her a couple of times, never talked a word, had to let her go. Micah Bell, we picked him up when you boys came back from the Caribbean, and he's been a good boy ever since.

  • Arthur Morgan : Well, come with me then. You wanna head out there? Run with the men? Then so be it. But we do more than just huntin'; we're hunted. And them things huntin' us, they got guns of their own.

    Sadie Adler : I ain't afraid of dyin'.

  • Arthur Morgan : There ain't no way Dutch is gonna just hide away in a cave somewhere. Goes against everything he stands for. That'd be admitting we're nothing more than lowdown criminals.

  • Kieran Duffy : I saved your life, Arthur.

    Arthur Morgan : You keep saying that. But I save your life every day I don't kill you. So we are more than even on that front.

    Kieran Duffy : Come on, you don't mean that.

    Arthur Morgan : You better believe I mean it.

  • Edith Downes : He didn't have a choice. He was good and he did good. There wasn't no choice in that. And you've as good as killed him yourself, and don't kid yourself. You had a choice.

    Arthur Morgan : You speak as if killin' was something I cared about.

    Edith Downes : You ever wonder about eternity? You should.

    Arthur Morgan : I hope it's hot and terrible, Mrs. Downes, otherwise I'll feel I've been sold a false bill of goods, now please, give me that money.

  • Arthur Morgan : Damn dead debtor.

  • Winton Holmes : The cash is in that cougar, mister. Sure as pumpkins ain't cauliflowers, the cash is in that cougar.

    Arthur Morgan : It better be, or else I'll turn ya into a goddamn cauliflower.

  • Arthur Morgan : So that's how you see yourself, is it? A maniac?

    Uncle : Well, in my youth, I used to be known as the "one-shot kid."

    Arthur Morgan : Okay... I'm not gonna ask why.

  • Arthur Morgan : New century's coming. This life, this way? Well, we're the last, I reckon. And we ain't long for it.

  • Arthur Morgan : How much you cost anyway?

    Barmaid : Well ain't that a nice way to talk to a lady.

    Arthur Morgan : Oh, I didn't know I was talkin' to a "lady".

    Javier Escuella : [the girls walk away in disgust]  Well, I must say you got a fine way with the women, amigo.

    Arthur Morgan : Yeah, a regular dandy and a charmer.

  • Arthur Morgan : [If Arthur has low honor]  Get up.

    Leopold Strauss : [taken aback]  What?

    Arthur Morgan : Get up!

    [grabs Strauss and pushes him toward his tent] 

    Leopold Strauss : What is wrong?

    Arthur Morgan : Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all.

    Leopold Strauss : What are you doing?

    Arthur Morgan : Getting rid of you, you time-wasting parasite. Get your bag.

    Leopold Strauss : I don't understand.

    Arthur Morgan : [starts packing Strauss' belongings]  Just get out of my sight. You waste my time, you depress me, and you're a parasite, sending me after losers like that. That should go. You're an embarrassment!

    [hands Strauss the bag] 

    Leopold Strauss : What are you doing? We were partners. Business partners!

    Arthur Morgan : [grabs Strauss and shoves him toward the exit of the camp]  Go get a new partner!

    Leopold Strauss : You know, they-they say the sick delude themselves. I was... I was your comrade.

    Arthur Morgan : My comrade? You're a creep. A creep and a parasite.

    [takes a wad of cash out of his bag and counts out a few bills] 

    Arthur Morgan : And a time waster.

    [tosses it on the ground near Strauss] 

    Arthur Morgan : Now take that. Take that and don't annoy me.

    Leopold Strauss : [picks up the money]  I'm...

    Arthur Morgan : Leaving.

    [Strauss leaves without another word] 

  • Arthur Morgan : These boys got a manner about'em... but I haven't necessarily noticed...

    Lenny Summers : All respect, Mr. Morgan, you wouldn't notice. Might call you a nigga lover, they see us ridin' like this. But most if it is a... a glance or a word, and after... a visit in the night.

    Arthur Morgan : Out west is...

    Lenny Summers : Out west is out west. And you're all who you are. Decent folks. But some places down here, they judge differently.

    Arthur Morgan : Then... I guess it can't be so easy for you, Lenny.

  • Arthur Morgan : Are you tryin' to test me, is that it? Because I will break every bone in your body.

    Kieran Duffy : I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?

    Arthur Morgan : Not one more goddamn word. Am I clear?

    Kieran Duffy : Okay, okay.

    Arthur Morgan : That's two bones right there.

  • Leopold Strauss : [after Arthur's unsuccessful trip to the Downes' ranch]  Ah, how did you get on?

    Arthur Morgan : Not so good. He's almost dead and they seem more or less destitute. You were a fool for lending them the money.

    Leopold Strauss : Well, people who aren't desperate don't seem so interested in my propositions.

    Arthur Morgan : Of course.

  • Bill Williamson : Still got your head up your ass, Morgan?

    Arthur Morgan : Maybe, 'cause all I'm hearin' is shit.

  • Winton Holmes : The German speaking fellar, Mr. Strauss, he hew my work situation was... precarious. That this whole thing was a risky venture.

    Arthur Morgan : Wait, risky? Am I at risk now? Are you threatenin' me, Winton Holmes?

    Winton Holmes : I ain't. No, certainly not. Sir, I'm merely stating... a man without a job, with limited prospects... at those rates, repayment was by no means guaranteed. I said I'd do my best, and I did.

    Arthur Morgan : You're continuin' to annoy me. Hey, how about this then: I guarantee repayment. 'Cause I'm going to get that money outta you. If I gotta squeeze you like a lemon, it's comin' out.

  • Winton Holmes : What I know about cats, this one's rare as hens' teeth. I mean, you ever see an alabaster wild cat?

    Arthur Morgan : Big thing about cougars is they see YOU, not the other way around.

  • Jeremiah Compson : I was a good worker. I took pride in my work. They took it all away, pissed on my legacy.

    Arthur Morgan : Old man, some jobs aren't for savin'. And some legacies,

    [drops the old slaver's ledger into the fire] 

    Arthur Morgan : They ARE for pissin' on.

  • Dutch van der Linde : Micah recons there's a rat.

    Arthur Morgan : Oh, does he? On what evidence?

    Micah Bell : We's only back a minute, Pinkertons show up.

    Arthur Morgan : We been on the run since you two fools went crazy in Blackwater. We barely escaped with our lives in Saint Denis. Now we got a rat?

    Dutch van der Linde : Well, Molly clearly talked, but who else?

    Arthur Morgan : Maybe we pushed things too hard.

    [Micah feigns snoring to be an asshole] 

    Arthur Morgan : Maybe time for folks like us has passed. We don't need a rat. We got sloppier than the town drunk, and they know who we are, and where we are, and what we're doing.

  • Mr. Pearson : You mind helping me with the skinning, Mr. Morgan? It's easier if we do it together.

    Arthur Morgan : Do I get to skin you?

  • Charles Smith : [coming back from hunting deer]  Good that we caught more than one. We've only been up here a few days, and have already picked up two more mouths to feed.

    Arthur Morgan : One more. We ain't feedin' the O'Driscoll a damn thing, except maybe that can of salted offal Pearson was kind enough to give us.

  • Mr. Pearson : When I was in the navy...

    Arthur Morgan : I do not wish to hear about what you got up to in the navy, Mr. Pearson.

    Mr. Pearson : We were stranded at sea, for fifty days.

    Arthur Morgan : And you unfortunately survived.

  • Kieran Duffy : You know, you all ain't that different from the O'Driscolls.

    John Marston : What did you just say?

    Kieran Duffy : I been watching you all these weeks, and, uh...

    John Marston : You been tied to a tree. You don't know nothin' about this gang.

    Kieran Duffy : Yeah, well, I'd say you don't know much about the O'Driscolls. But maybe I know more about you than you know about them, and I know all about them.

    John Marston : Tell us then, how are we like those mongrel dogs?

    Kieran Duffy : You're outlawed like them, you're out to survive like them, you live rough, you live hard, fightin' the law, nature, you're out for yourselves.

    John Marston : See, that's why you're an O'Driscoll, O' Driscoll. You're out to survive; we're out to live... free. Colm's a sneak thief and a killer. Dutch is... Dutch is more like a teacher.

    Kieran Duffy : From where I been, you just look the same is all.

    Arthur Morgan : John, shut that boy up.

    John Marston : Enough outta you.

  • Uncle : You're turning into a regular old fairy godmother there, Arthur.

    Arthur Morgan : What's that supposed to mean?

    Mary-Beth Gaskill : It means you've got a heart. A small one, perhaps, hidden deep inside, but a real one. And you haven't, you repulsive old lizard.

    Uncle : Lizards have hearts.

  • Hosea Matthews : So how are things with you and John? Ain't it about time you let it go now?

    Arthur Morgan : It was a year, Hosea. He ditched us for a goddamn year.

    Hosea Matthews : I've spoken to him many times. He knows he did wrong. He just wants to put it behind him.

    Arthur Morgan : I'm sure he does. Running off on that kid is one thing, but there's a code. He knows that. He ain't Tralawny; you and Dutch pretty much raised him.

    Hosea Matthews : I know, but it's done. Has been for a while now.

  • Arthur Morgan : The only prayer book in your hands these days is a California Prayer Book.

    Reverend Swanson : Why are you being like this?

    Arthur Morgan : Forgive those who have a royal flush against us.

  • Susan Grimshaw : It's Tilly. She's been taken by those Foreman brothers she used to run with. Come along.

    Arthur Morgan : The Foreman brothers? Well, what are they doing here?

    Susan Grimshaw : Well, I don't know what they've been doing here, but I can tell you what they're gonna be doing here: DYING.

  • Arthur Morgan : You was quiet in there.

    Sean Macguire : Took everything I had. That son of hers... I'll shove that silver spoon down his throat and pull it clean out out of his arse, the smug fucker.

    Arthur Morgan : Okay.

  • Arthur Morgan : So what's she got us doing out at the Gray's place?

    Sean Macguire : She wants us to torch their tobacco fields, said they ain't had rain in two weeks 'round here, using that back there.

    Arthur Morgan : The moonshine?

    Sean Macguire : Burns faster than kerosene, that stuff. Said it'd be "fitting", she did. All I'm thinking is how about I try "fitting" my boot up your hook nose, you snotty old bitch.

    Arthur Morgan : Ha ha, Hosea really picked the right fellar for tea at the manor, didn't he?

  • Tommy : Come on, pretty boy.

    Arthur Morgan : Pretty boah?

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