
4 Reviews
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Great movie
14 November 1998
I originally bought the movie because I was a huge Björk fan. But after watching it several times, I see that the movie stands on its own and would be almost as good without Björk (not quite though). The plot was a little hard to follow at first, but after seeing it around 5 times I think I've caught everything. This movie is by no means a blockbuster or high budget. In fact, it's more like something you'd see on the Independent Film Channel. Juniper Tree is based on a Brothers Grimm tale and was filmed in Iceland. The scenery is rather barren (unlike some really beautiful landscape I've seen in books about Iceland) and the black and white photography doesn't help much to brighten the mood. All of this, however, adds to the film and the plot.

I agree that this movie will appeal to a very small percentage of the public, but if you fit into that category, you may have just found what you're looking for.
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Help! (1965)
Beatles Classic
14 November 1998
Although not as critically acclaimed as The Beatles' previous movie "A Hard Day's Night", "Help!" is equally as entertaining. In my opinion, the plot is much more interesting because it takes The Beatles to different locations around the world instead of just movie sets and hotel rooms. The first movie was to show how The Beatles lived everyday life and "Help!" was a fresh departure from this. I believe that this film is much more fun because John, Paul, George, and Ringo are having fun and so will you.
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A strange family made up of misfits provide bad influences to a small town in Florida.
13 November 1998
This movie would better be classified as mild porn rather than horror. Anyone looking for good horror will not find it here. Bad acting, a plot with no direction, and poor cinematography make for a bad selection on any day of the week.
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Pirates (1986)
Captain Red and his partner, The Frog, fight the Spanish Armada in their quest for the golden throne of Capatec Anahuac.
13 November 1998
The 1987 film, Pirates, was a very fine movie for several reasons. The most notable is the superb acting of Walter Matthau in his role as Captain Thomas Bartholomew Red. The shrewd character of Captain Red comes across humorously and Matthau's mastery of the cockney accent adds to the life of the role. Another outstanding quality of the film is the costumes, which won a Cesar Award in 1987. Although there weren't a lot of special effects in the movie, the ones used were done well. For example, the scene where The Frog runs his fellow pirate through with a sword during the mutiny scene was great. These reasons may not be good enough to make you run out to watch the movie, but anyone with a liking to pirate movies or just adventures should enjoy the film.

The movie starts out with Captain Red and The Frog floating on a small ship in the middle of the ocean. They'd just sailed away from a "poxy desert island" where they'd been stranded for over four years after a defeat at the battle of Boco Del Toro. Captain Red lost his leg in the battle due to cannon fire and was now assumed (by the rest of the world) to be dead. But now as he is on his raft, he and The Frog spot a Spanish galleon, the Neptune, headed their way. They manage to get on board the ship, but are thrown into the brig shortly thereafter. It's here that they meet Boo Mako, the ship's cook, who has been accused of poisoning the captain (he was really killed by 1st Lieutenant Don Alfonso). They also discover, through a peephole in the wall, the solid gold throne of the Aztec king, Capatec Anahuac. Captain Red, being his greedy shrewd self, has to have the throne one way or another. Red starts a mutiny on the ship by placing a rat in the soup. The crew decides to fight their oppressors after Red and The Frog escape hanging from the gallows. The mutiny succeeds and the Neptune is taken by the pirates. During the raid, The Frog meets Dolores, the niece of the governor of Maracaibo, and falls in love. Red takes the Neptune to his old business partner, Dutch. Dutch refuses to buy any captives but Captain Red throws a party at Dutch's expense. During the party, Don Alfonso and the officers of the Neptune escape via an empty rum barrel and reclaim the Neptune. Captain Red is now out of a ship and has lost the golden throne as well. He buys a ship of his own and makes a trip to Maracaibo. He sneaks in, disguised as a priest, and forces the governor to sign over the throne to him by holding Dolores hostage. After picking up the throne from the Neptune, he is captured by the Spanish. In jail, Red and The Frog are visited by Dolores, who shows her love for The Frog by bringing food. She also brings news that they are both to be hanged for their crimes against the Spanish government. Luckily, that night, Red's crew busts them out of jail and once again they all take off after the Neptune and the throne. The movie ends with the ensuing battle and Dolores's choice to either to stay with Don Alfonso or join The Frog in his dangerous life as a pirate.
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