
33 Reviews
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How very disappointing
5 May 2024
I am giving it 3 stars for:
  • set design and aesthetics
  • costume design
  • acting by Manisha, Sonakshi and Aditi
The series falls flat on every other front. First of all, casting of Sharmin as Alam was a big mistake. That girl cannot act for her life. Throughout the series her expression remains set in stone. It doesn't change when she is being romantic with her lover, it doesn't change when the lover dies and it doesn't change when she kills someone. Ma'am, you need to express your emotions not act like a painted doll.

Then, what was the story? What was the point of the story? It went from revenge to patriotism with nonsense twists and turns in between. It's like SLB had multiple ideas and tried to execute all of them together and did justice to none of them. What was the point of Saima's character? How can all the courtesans forget all their mutual enmities at the drop of a hat in the final episode and come together as freedom fighters? What? This was a complete 180 turn from the rest of the series. It's like the writer was in a hurry to finish off the series. Also, why is it so dark? I had to turn up the brightness of my screen all the way to be able to see what was going on.
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Red Rose (2022)
Good but gaping loopholes
9 December 2023
This series was good except for the gaping loophole that teenagers and other people would just click a link sent in mysterious message by a stranger. Also, the series is set in 2023 but everyone dresses like the 90s? What was that about? Also, there are so many stupid things that are generally a staple of horror movies like entering a dark, isolated building knowing that you are being chased, leaving home alone after being attacked multiple times, etc. It could have been a lot better if they had put in more thought in these things.

I hope there isn't a sequel though as hinted at the end of the movie. I wouldn't watch it.
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Asvins (2023)
Hilariously terrible
23 July 2023
This movie is so bad that it's almost funny. All the actors with no exception have overacted to their hearts' content. So cringey to watch. Youtube amateur ghosthunting videos are better than this movie. I mean.. they had a great premise and concept but half way through the movie I couldn't see any execution at all. Also, it has recycled literally ALL horror movie tropes with the least amount of skill possible. The noises and apparitions and all are so bad it makes you wonder how did the actors not feel awkward acting this out. The only way I can see this movie getting more than 1 star rating is by an army of new accounts created just to boost its rating, something that a lot of producers are now indulging in. Give it a miss.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Dumb dumb dumb
6 January 2023
This movie require suspension of disbelief to an impossible level. It basically shows a bunch of teenagers partying with a woman their parents' age and not finding anything odd with the fact that she persistently encourages and invites them to her place to party. Teenagers are not really that dumb that they would trust a strange woman to this degree. This would've sent alarm bells ringing in everyone's mind unless they were living in the 50s. And then the woman goes on a murder spree and nobody gets suspicious? She kills her boss and a police officer and nothing happens? It was annoying to watch and the only reason I finished it is because I was bored on an 11 hour flight.
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28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why oh why? Why was this film made? To make out blood boil? It starts off well with the promise of being a psychological thriller what with the woman being agoraphobic, alcohol dependent and more or less a complete trainwreck. But half hour in and the act gets tedious. The constant heavy breathing and paranoia and incoherence is just too much to take. And there isn't much to the story either. If they had built up the story and suspense then the climax would've been satisfying. However, it seemed like they lost their way and just ended the movie in a hurry with a very lame and unimaginative climax. Bleh. Could've watched something else.
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A Love So Beautiful (2020–2021)
Great except the female lead character
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series would've been great if it weren't for the annoying female lead. The problem is that she is shown to be a goofy teenager with a crush on a classmate and a knack for messing up, which is fine for a teenager. But she grows up and her character doesn't change at all. She has no self respect and makes decisions on whims without introspection. I didn't get why she broke up with the boy and why she ended up getting back with him. The premise for both these developments were very flaky. The side characters were really good though. Specially her friend Ha-Young. Also, I wish Dae-sang had had the sense to ask her out in the 10 years he knew her instead of waiting all that time. Overall it was entertaining but could've been better.
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Saint Maud (2019)
Waste of time
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a LOT of potential which it totally did not live up to. There is a lot of build up throughout the movie but the climax is hilarious. Seriously, I actually laughed because what on earth happened? The director and actor have tried hard to bring out the creep factor and suspense but the background score is basically loud jarring horns which gets annoying after a while. Also, what was the point of her "saving" Amanda's soul when she actually gets fired from her private carer's job half way through the movie? What was her plan? Did she intend to kill Amanda in the end? It was so frustrating to watch. I guess I had too much time on hand that I finished it.
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Marrowbone (2017)
Liked it but it had some serious plot holes
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a heartbreaking movie to watch. Which is what makes it worth watching. I liked the plot and the performances. No jump scares anywhere but lots of creepy vibes. However, there are a number of shortcomings of this movie that makes it a little less enjoyable. First of all, if the father was a murderer who was hunting for his family, why would the mother take them back to her ancestral home? Surely the father would know of her maiden name and her childhood home. This was extremely flimsy plot point. Of course he found them in merely 6 months. This is the first place anyone would've looked. Then, they didn't build the story properly. They should've shown more flashbacks and given more details. A lot of things were left unexplained.
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Little Women (2022)
Starting to get annoying
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am on episode 6 and I am starting to get annoyed and tired of this series. They are building way too many plotlines to follow and while it is good suspense to never clearly show who is the bad guy, this level of ambiguity is getting on my nerves. Also, what is wrong with the sisters? Why can't they just talk to each other? A lot of the story would become clear to them if they just told each other what they knew. This level of lack of communication is unbelievable with two people who are so close to each other as shown in this series. I think they have made the characters a little too one dimensional. The eldest one is dumb and only cares about money. However, at 30 and after being married to a conman you would expect her to be a little more cautious and distrustful. But she just goes on to believe anything anyone tells her. She even signs some papers without reading them. Who does that? Then the second sister is shown to be too righteous who doesn't know when to stop and take a step back. She just runs headlong into trouble and blames the whole world for it. If she is an investigative journalist she should be more circumspect and not make accusations without having the whole story and evidence. Then the youngest one is the most annoying. She hates being poor, which I understand. But to completely disregard her sisters who she herself knows sacrifice everything for her and walk straight into the den of a murderer ( yes she knows the guy murdered someone) with eyes wide open is just baffling. She is willing to ignore everything as long as she gets to live the rich lifestyle, which includes clear and present danger. She knows these people are shady but still sticks with them. At that age kids tend to be more reliant and trustful of their family than their friends.

I think the writers are messing it up by creating way too much drama and suspense which is not really justified. Sigh! Not sure if I'll finish this series. Let's see how bored I get.
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What was the point of this series?
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it because it was interesting enough to keep going till I finished it. And I gave 7 stars because it is well made. However, i fail to see the point of the whole story? The first five episodes are great and promising. But then the narration falls flat and it completely loses the plot. The premise of getting a sign from beyond was a great tool to keep the story together. However, then they added the whole hallucination thing with old man and woman. Then they added the cult and failed ritual which led to nowhere. Then in the end they tried to make it all philosophical and mushy. And what on earth was the point of showing that Dr. Stanton with the paragon tattoo? It feels like they set it up for a second season maybe? They really did not tie up the loose ends and I'm not happy about it. It also got really boring at some points. So much so that I ended up looking at my phone quite a bit. Not a sign of a good series.

Oh I completely forgot - there are so many anachronisms in this series. For example in one episode they spot the international space station. If the series is set in 1994 then how could they have possibly done that since ISS wasn't launched until 1998. Then they use terms like "staycation" which I don't think were common then. In fact a lot jargon is taken from 2022 rather than 1994. Only the clothes look like they belong to that period.
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Men (2022)
7 October 2022
Oh god! This movie was so disgusting. What was the point of this whole movie? Yes, the misogyny was clear but what was the end goal here? What were those similar-looking men type creatures going to do with her? Assault her and then what? Why were there no women in that village? There are so many questions and no answers. It ended so abruptly. Seemed incomplete. Also I had just eaten before watching the ending of the movie and it nearly made me throw up. And at some many points you just want to scream at the female lead for making dumb decisions. Why did she stop the car when she ran over Geoffrey? She had managed to escape. She should've kept going. Ugh! Yuck! Don't watch it.
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Good series.. gets better after second episode
29 August 2022
This is what I wrote after just first two episodes:

I am only on episode two of this series and am already frustrated with the extreme overacting of the female lead. She is presented as "ugly" even though she is quite decent looking. I don't know what the hell Korean beauty standards are. And then her ugliness entails being extremely loud and clumsy and doing completely stupid things that you would never expect from a 30 year old. And on top of that Park Seojoon's character is shown as so arrogant and demeaning. He just insults her to her face. In any workplace that would be grounds for dismissal. I am not sure how much of this drama I'll be able to tolerate before I quit.

Now, after finishing the series, here is my genuine review: Really liked the whole series except for one glaring flaw. There was no reason for the leading lady to undergo the transformation that she does in the second half. Everything was going her way- her job was good, the male lead was falling for her.. the series did a bad job of explaining the transformation. And then, when she becomes a writer she goes back to her previous self. It's weird. Anyway, there were several things I liked about this series. The biggest one was that the male lead falls for the girl BEFORE the transformation and isn't just miraculously struck by her beauty after the transformation. I think that is what made it realistic and likeable. Also, the side characters are not annoying like in other dramas which is so refreshing. I didn't have to skip the parts with side characters. Also, I really liked the second female lead.
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Entertaining..Worth a watch!
20 August 2022
I was going to write this review after episode 12 itself but waited till I finished the series to see if my opinion changes. It didn't. This series gets a 10/10 for writing and a 9/10 for casting. Everyone has done well in their respective roles except maybe IU. Somehow the way her character is shown to be bratty and sarcastic and mean didn't sit well with me. You'd expect a 1300 year old person to composed and mature but Man-wol is anything but. There were times I got seriously pissed with her lack of kindness and compassion towards other characters and those who had died tragically. I mean I get it you have a deep seated grudge but does that mean you get to treat everyone like trash? Perhaps the writers should've madr her character a little bit more mellow. Also, the romance didn't come through. There is no chemistry between Chan sung and Man wol. Male lead has tried very hard to show the romance but the female lead completely failed up until the very last episode. She had better chemistry with the dead queen's guard in the few scenes they had together. That is my only complaint from this series. Otherwise totally worth watching.
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Got boring and tedious after 6 episodes
13 August 2022
The first 6 episodes were enjoyable only because if the female lead. Then it started dragging and then the story did a complete 180 in episode 8. I stopped watching mid way through episode 9. Ji Changwook's character is so annoying. He was told to play a whiny doormat who cannot stand up for himself and act like an adult. Then there is his girlfriend who portrayed the role of cardboard cutout to perfection. There is absolutely zero chemistry between the two. I don't see the point of showing them together or even showing a love story at all. They are twice as irritating together are individually and it's truly a pain to watch their scenes. All that girlfriend ever does is suspect him of having an affair with the female lead. All JCW does is try to prove her wrong and making a mess of things in the process. The story is bad and acting is worse. Skip it.
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Nevertheless, (2021)
Slow and annoying
8 August 2022
I just started the second episode and I'm already annoyed. Why does the female lead look sleepy all the time? Why does she keep mumbling instead of talking like a human being? Why does she look at the male lead like he's some god? What is wrong with her? Why is the male lead so creepy? I would be so creeped out if a man behaved like that with me or around me. Ugh! Who are these people who are enjoying this drama..?
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Run On (2020–2021)
Boring in a nutshell
7 August 2022
I'm 6 episodes into it and still don't know the point of this drama. What is the story and why isn't it progressing? The male lead is shown to be too righteous but only comes off as naive and emotionless. Female is lead is both confused and confusing. By episode 6 we should've found out her back story but nope.. I don't know what the deal is with that. I really wish they had something meaty because it seemed rather unconventional and different from typical romance kdramas. Disappointing.
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25 July 2022
I had high expectations from it and I honestly I am so bitterly disappointed. This is not the first time either this has happened. I dunno how some of these kdrama get such high ratings when they are truly terrible. I don't even know where to begin with this one. The biggest problem in this story is the age gap between the male and female lead. They're showing romance between a 19 year old school girl with a 40 year old man. The 19 actually acts like a 10 year old and the 40 yo man acts like .. well a 40 year old man. You can see what the problem is here..? Just eww. I really could not stomach the so called romantic scenes between them. Really seemed like an uncle and niece pair. It made me so deeply uncomfortable that I stopped watching after 2.5 episodes. And the female lead is oh SO ANNOYING. Her character is completely at odds with her backstory. Her mother died when she was 9 and she was raised by an aunt who is the Kdrama equivalent of Aunt Petunia and somehow this girl turns out to be silly and bubbly and completely immature and irresponsible. What the heck! Gong Yoo acts like a cardboard cutout. What exactly is the story here? The characters just keep stumbling about aimlessly. I really believe all these 10/10 ratings are given by teenagers who fantasize being with an older man not knowing how egregious it is in reality.
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Good one time watch, could've left the female character out
17 July 2022
All the male actors who play Hwarang are brilliant and do a wonderful job. Their characters are also well written and the casting is quite appropriate. However, the female lead just boils my blood by her constant crying. There isn't a single scene in which she is NOT crying. Why did the writers do this? They could've made a more strong-willed and stable character out of her.. completely missed the opportunity. Overall a good drama! Oh also, I didn't know about BTS and Kim Taehyung when I watched it so really didn't pay attention to his character :)
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Annoying characters!
17 July 2022
I started this show for Park Seojoon but couldn't go past 3 episodes because of how annoying Kim Ji-won's character is. How could they make such a caricature of her? That woman has splendid acting skills and it seems like the director completed wasted them for some absolutely obnoxious female lead character. I really couldn't stomach and had to stop watching.
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Snowdrop (2021–2022)
Blah.. way too stretched out
16 July 2022
I really wanted to like this drama because of Jung Hae-in who has some incredibly skills. However, it is way tooo protracted. The whole drama is about a hostage situation but the plot points keep repeating themselves like the writers ran out of interesting twists and new storylines. It became so boring. It should've been wrapped up in 10-12 episodes. I was also very annoyed by Jisoo crying all the damn time. Why girl, why? There are some things to absurd and unbelievable that they just don't let you appreciate the other parts. For example, one day after Jisoo's beloved brother is killed she is up in the attic kissing the male lead. Emm.. you were literally inconsolable just as few hours ago. Then the wives of all the politicians and secret service agents are so dumb! What the hell is that drama? People just get inside the control room of a highly sensitive hostage situation and start shouting and causing a scene? Nobody in this whole drama has their head screwed on right.. Maybe just Yoo In-na's character seems okay.. Really wish they had done a better job because they had a great cast and good story.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Good concept, poor execution
14 July 2022
When I started this series I thought it was just one season and all loose ends will be tied by the last episode and we will figure out the mystery. To my dismay, half way through the last episode I saw that it had multiple seasons.. I was only trying to finish it to get closure but I now I don't think I want to watch 2 more seasons of it. The thing is, they started with a good concept but completely botched the execution. The performances are very poor. Somehow everyone is overacting and underacting at the same time.. None of the characters are convincing, no couples have any chemistry. Michaela is passionate about some things that make zero sense and completely disregards other things of value like a juvenile.. Ben was supposed to be this nerdy professor guy but ends up seeming like a flake. Jared is the only one with some decent acting and character depth in the whole damn series. They DID NOT have to botch up Jared and Michaela's relationship.. it was too random.. also what is the deal with Saanvi? Why does she act like a stone? No expressions, no emotions .. like she is just reciting lines. Overall a bad production. Skip it..
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Lovestruck in the City (2020–2021)
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving it 3 stars just for Ji Chang-wook. This series is so boring that I looked at my phone 80% of the time but still knew exactly what was going on. The biggest problem I have with this series is Kim Ji-won's character. It gets on my nerves. She gets cheated on and dumped by her boyfriend and goes to some beachside place to get over the heartbreak. BUT she has absolutely no problem in ghosting a man who comes to love her, whom she fake marries on the beach, and breaking his heart. You would think that having your heart broken by a romantic partner would make you more sensitive so as not to inflict the same pain on someone else. BUT NO, her character is incapable of feeling that. On top of it, when he finally finds her/ accidentally runs into she behaves in a cruel manner and makes herself to be the victim. From that point on, her character turns into a b*tch that is constantly being rude and mean to the male lead. What on earth? And guess what the reason for ghosting was? She thought that because she adopted a different persona at the beach which was unlike her real nature he wouldn't like her and stop loving her. Even if that were the case she could've still come clean and had a proper breakup. How did ghosting improve this situation? Baffling how these adult characters are shown to have such little maturity and sensitivity. Disappointing.
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Our Beloved Summer (2021–2022)
Annoying lead character.. eww
24 April 2022
I had to stop watching is after 3 episodes because the lead female character is SO ANNOYING. Like, the storywriters didn't even try to make her likable in any way or form. She is just immature and cruel with no redeeming quality. Ouch! It's a no for me.
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This drama has no story......
24 April 2022
Like, seriously. Where is the story? After the first 2-3 episodes there is nothing to add to the story. They could've easily wrapped up the whole thing in max. 6 episodes instead of dragging it out for 12. And then they rushed the ending as if someone had told them enough is enough. The only thing going for this drama is the cuteness and chemistry of lead couple. That's it. Period.
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Very boring
24 April 2022
I don't know how I managed to finish this show. I guess I was lazy. This was probably the worst Park Min-Young romance drama ever made. There is absolute zero chemistry between the leads. I was so disappointed to see such good actors being completely wasted. All characters somehow consider themselves to be victims of other people's actions and behaviour. Also, why is everyone trying to be deep and philosophical? There are WAY too many weather metaphors that will basically drive you insane. The writers didn't really know where to stop with those. Also, one of the most annoying things for me is when a misunderstanding is allowed to blow out of proportion because the characters JUST WON'T TALK TO EACH OTHER. Like, seriously grow up and behave like functional adults. Do yourself a service and watch something else.
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