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From mediawiki.org
Revision as of 00:17, 15 January 2019 by BSitzmann (WMF) (talk | contribs) (added info about the new field wikibase_item)

This page defines the spec for the RESTBase summary endpoint response format. 

Summary response is a JSON object with the following fields:

Name Type Description
type enum ("standard", "disambiguation", "wikidata_preview"[1])
namespace object The namespace this page belongs to
namespace.id integer Namespace id
namespace.text string Localized, user-visible label of the namespace (e.g. "Datei", "Spezial", ...)
title string Normalized title of the page. Deprecated in favor of titles.normalized.
displaytitle string Display title of the page. Deprecated in favor of titles.display.
titles object Variations of the page title
titles.canonical string Denormalized title as found in the MW database (_)
titles.normalized string Normalized title of the page. ( )
titles.display string Display title of the page.
pageid integer MediaWiki id of the page
extract string First several sentences of an article in plain text
extract_html string First several sentences of an article in HTML
description string Wikidata description of the page
wikibase_item string Wikidata item ID (QID) [starting in 1.3.10]
thumbnail object A thumbnail of the lead image from the page
thumbnail.uri string Thumbnail image URI
thumbnail.width integer Thumbnail width
thumbnail.height integer Thumbnail height
originalimage object The lead image from the page as it was uploaded
originalimage.uri string Original image URI
originalimage.width integer Original image width
originalimage.height integer Original image height
lang string Page language code
dir enum Page language direction ("ltr", "rtl")
timestamp datetime The time when the page was last edited in the ISO 8601 format
revision string The revision of this page
tid string The time UUID can differ for the same revision due to events triggering rerenders (e.g. updated transcluded templates)
coordinates object The primary coordinates if there is one associated with the page
coordinates.lat decimal The latitude of the primary coordinate
coordinates.lon decimal The longitude of the primary coordinate
content_urls object
TODO: Fill out
api_urls object
TODO: Fill out

More details


  1. "wikidata_preview" is not implemented yet