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Fact check: One Nation vs. Manchin on Immigration

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August 24, 2018
By Ballotpedia Staff

One Nation, a nonprofit that seeks to influence policy to “expand freedom, promote innovation and broaden economic prosperity,” aired an ad criticizing positions on immigration taken by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D), who is running for re-election against Republican Patrick Morrisey.[1][2] According to the ad, “Senator Joe Manchin voted for a bill that would have given amnesty to millions who broke our laws...and he opposed funding for Trump’s border wall.”[3]

Sen. Manchin responded to these claims on his campaign website, stating, “I wanted Mexico to pay for the border wall, but they’re not, so we need to do it ourselves to protect this country. I voted with President Trump to support his border wall, anyone who tells you different is lying.”[4]

The Manchin campaign also released a letter from their attorney calling on TV stations to pull the ad, noting that Manchin voted for a Trump-backed plan to offer a path for citizenship for 1.8 million DREAMers “in return for some degree of border security.”[5][6]

What are the facts about Sen. Manchin’s record on amnesty and funding a border wall?

Sen. Manchin in 2017 voiced opposition to funding a border wall, but subsequently changed his position and voted in favor of funding a wall.

Regarding the claim that he voted to grant amnesty “to millions who broke our laws,” Sen. Manchin supported a path to citizenship for individuals who were brought to the United States illegally as children if they had not committed a felony or significant misdemeanor. However, the bill explicitly denied the same opportunity to their parents.


Sen. Joe Manchin took office in November 2010 to fill the seat of the late Sen. Robert C. Byrd. Manchin previously served as governor of West Virginia from January 2005 to 2010, as well as West Virginia secretary of state from 2001 to 2005.[7]

Patrick Morrisey was elected in 2012 as West Virginia’s first Republican attorney general since 1933 (and was re-elected in 2016).[8] He previously practiced law, worked as a lobbyist and served as deputy staff director and chief health counsel for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. [9]

One Nation is a 501(c)(4) dedicated to what it calls the Founders’ vision of America, a nation “unified by a common commitment to freedom, democratic governance and guaranteed individual rights.” It advocates for, among other goals, education reform through charter school expansion and tax reform through tax code simplification.[10] One Nation originally aired the ad June 8, 2018.[3]

Manchin’s Record on Immigration

On February 14, 2018, a bipartisan group of 16 senators, including Sen. Manchin, introduced Amendment 1959 to H.R. 2579 to provide a path to citizenship for individuals who were brought to the United States as minors and to increase funding for border security by $25 billion. [11] [12] [13]

Competing legislation similarly called for limited amnesty, but did not include the $25 billion in additional funding for border security. Sen. Manchin voted against that bill, which failed in the Senate.[14]

Manchin cited the lack of border security funding as his reason for voting against the legislation, stating, “I share the President's commitment to border security. That's why I voted for his plan. That's why I fought to ensure the $25 billion he requested for border security was included in the bipartisan deal. That's why I opposed the Democratic proposal that did not provide a single penny for border security.”[15]

On previous occasions, Manchin expressed opposition to U.S. funding for a border wall. For example, in a May 2017 interview with MSNBC, he stated, “[W]hether you build a wall or not..that’s okay...let Mexico pay for it. I can’t go home to West Virginia with all the needs that we have..saying that we are going to spend money on this, but they are going to pay us back. That’s a hard sell.”[16]


The 501 (c)(4) organization OneNation aired an ad criticizing positions on immigration taken by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D), stating, “Senator Joe Manchin voted for a bill that would have given amnesty to millions who broke our laws...and he opposed funding for Trump’s border wall.”[1] [3]

Although Sen. Manchin at one time opposed U.S. funding to construct a border wall, he subsequently changed his position. At the time of OneNation’s ad, Sen. Manchin’s vote in favor of border wall funding was public record. Therefore, the ad was misleading in that the senator no longer opposed the funding.

OneNation’s claim that Manchin supported amnesty for “millions who broke our laws” is not technically accurate. A bill supported by Manchin would have provided a path to citizenship only for individuals who were minors when they entered the U.S. illegally and, as such, were not responsible for their illegal entry. In fact, the proposed legislation explicitly prohibited parents who unlawfully entered the United States from using their child’s citizenship to apply for amnesty themselves.

See also

Sources and Notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 One Nation America, “About,” accessed August 23, 2018
  2. Morrisey is currently attorney general of West Virginia.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Youtube, "One Nation: 'Wall' WV," June 8, 2018
  4. Manchin in West Virginia, “Manchin Campaign Attorney Calls On TV Stations To Take Down False Ad,” accessed August 23, 2018
  5. Manchin in West Virginia, “Manchin Letter re One Nation tv ad,” accessed August 23, 2018
  6. DREAMers refer to individuals who qualify under The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. This includes minors who are currently attending or have attended an institution of higher learning, resided in the United States as of August 1, 2001, and have physically resided in the United States for at least five years.
  7. Manchin for WV, “About,” accessed August 23, 2018
  8. Morrisey for Senate, “About,” accessed August 23, 2018
  9. The Westfield Leader Newspaper, “The Times of Scotch Plains-Fanwood,” June 1, 2018
  10. One Nation America, “Policies,” accessed August 23, 2018
  11. And who had not committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor, or three or more misdemeanors.
  12. Susan Collins for Senate, “Senators Unveil Bipartisan Amendment to Protect Dreamers, Strengthen Border Security,” accessed August 23, 2018
  13., Senate Amendment 1959, accessed August 23, 2018
  14., “Roll Call Vote 115th Congress - 2nd Session,” accessed August 23, 2018
  15. Manchin for WV, Manchin disappointed bipartisan border security and immigration deal failed in Senate,” accessed August 23, 2018
  16. Youtube, “Joe Manchin Told Donald Trump His Constituents Will Know Who Took ACA Away | MTP Daily | MSNBC,” May 2, 2017
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