A resident near Brasilia National Park tries to contain the forest fire that is raging in the park so that it doesn't reach their homes in Brasilia, Brazil, on September 15, 2024. In the midst of the worst drought since records have been kept, Brazil continues to battle thousands of fires on September 13, with smoke affecting some of its major cities, such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and neighboring countries. (Photo by EVARISTO SA / AFP) (Photo by EVARISTO SA/AFP via Getty Images)
Incendios forestales en el Amazonas causan estragos en Brasil y Perú
22:46 ET (02:46 GMT) 18 de septiembre de 2024
Los incendios forestales en las regiones brasileñas y peruanas del Amazonas son, en algunos casos, los más intensos que se hayan visto y están provocando estragos históricos en varias regiones de la selva
01:01 - Fuente: CNN
A resident near Brasilia National Park tries to contain the forest fire that is raging in the park so that it doesn't reach their homes in Brasilia, Brazil, on September 15, 2024. In the midst of the worst drought since records have been kept, Brazil continues to battle thousands of fires on September 13, with smoke affecting some of its major cities, such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and neighboring countries. (Photo by EVARISTO SA / AFP) (Photo by EVARISTO SA/AFP via Getty Images)
Incendios forestales en el Amazonas causan estragos en Brasil y Perú
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