The Life Membership category was established shortly after the association’s founding to recognize longtime members who dedicated their lives to local government service, as well as to the advancement of the profession.

Life Membership Eligibility and Criteria 

Must be a Full Member who at the time of retirement from full-time, active local government service, meets the following criteria:

Full Member (65 years or older) -15 years as an ICMA Full (Corporate) member, in-service, who during that time was eligible to serve on the board.

Full Member (under 65 years old) - 25 years as an ICMA Full (Corporate) member, in-service, who during that time was eligible to serve on the board.

Life Membership as written in Article VIII, Section 3c of the ICMA Constitution:

“Upon retiring from active service with a local government, any Full Member who has completed twenty-five years of membership and, for those same twenty-five years, has been eligible to be an officer of the Association shall become a Life Member. Also, any Full Member who has been eligible to be an officer of the Association for at least fifteen years and retires from active service with a local government at age sixty-five or older shall become a Life Member. In addition, any Full Member who has retired from active service with a local government and who, in the opinion of the Executive Board, has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the profession may be granted a Life Membership by vote of the Executive Board.”

Are you about to retire and think you might be eligible for Life Membership? Any member who believes they meet the requirements for Life Membership can contact [email protected]

Life Membership FAQ

What is the process to become a Life Member?

When a member announces his/her retirement and/or contacts ICMA, staff will check Life Membership eligibility. Once eligibility is confirmed, ICMA will update the member’s account to reflect Life Member category. Any member who believes he or she meets the requirements for Life Membership can contact [email protected]

How is individual Life Membership recognized?

ICMA wants to ensure Life Members are recognized for their commitment to ICMA and the profession. ICMA will recognize new Life Members in the weekly member newsletter, Leadership Matters. Each Life Member will be mailed a certificate and Life lapel pin. Upon request, ICMA will send the Life materials to a designee to be presented during a retirement ceremony. 

Are Life Members allowed to work and still retain Life Membership?

A Life Member may not work full-time for private sector or a university or as a consultant and retain Life status. In this scenario, the Life member should pay the appropriate 'not in service to a local government" rate of $200.  Working part-time for a local government or serving in an interim position is permitted as a Life Member.  However, if the Life Member returns to full-time local government service, his/her membership is changed back to Full Member for the duration of employment, paying appropriate salary-based dues.  Life Membership status is reinstated once the member leaves the full-time local government position. 

What are the benefits of being a Life Member?

Life Members retain all the benefits of Full Membership such as eligibility to vote and credentialed status (as applicable and if maintained).  As part of the benefit package, membership dues are waived, the registration rate to the annual conference is significantly discounted and website access for all content, including PM magazine, continues. Members who want to receive the print edition of PM have the option to pay a $25 annual fee to cover mailing costs.