A Chihuahua, Golden retriever, king cavalier Charles spaniel, Great Dane, poodle, and cattle dog.

Photos courtesy of Erin E. Hecht; Illustrations by Liz Zonarich/Harvard Staff

Science & Tech

How well do you know your dog?

1 min read

Take our quiz based on new Netflix documentary featuring Harvard researcher

Have you ever wondered how your dog feels about you, sees the world, or is trying to communicate? A new Netflix documentary, “Inside the Mind of a Dog” — featuring Harvard evolutionary biologist Erin Hecht, along with canine experts from Duke, the University of Pennsylvania, and others — sheds light on research that is starting to solve these mysteries. We asked Hecht, director of The Canine Brains Project, to weigh in on questions drawn from the documentary so readers can test their own knowledge.

1. Which of the following can dogs smell on a human:
2. Which is the dog’s brain?
3. Which of the following messages can dogs communicate through facial and body movements?
4. Just like no two people have the same fingerprints, no two dogs have the same:
5. The average dog knows how many words?
6. Which of the following tail movements signals your dog is happy to see you?
7. When humans and dogs with a close bond interact:
8. What percentage of dogs have some form of anxiety?
9. Dogs exhibit variation in mothering styles that affect their puppies’ skills and personality later in life.
10. How many more sounds can a dog hear typically than a human?
11. Which of the following is true?
12. A dog is a young adult at 18 months.

Go deeper

You’ve taken the quiz and watched the documentary — how can you learn more? Hecht recommends the following books: