Nexxen Discovery

Our proprietary audience discovery technology helps you boost your reach and performance with insights to inform your activations.

Nexxen Discovery

Our proprietary audience discovery technology helps you boost your reach and performance with insights to inform your activations.

To understand your consumer, you need to understand their content

Consumers read and watch a lot digitally and on TV–and it's this behavior that helps shape their interests and actions.

By identifying what type of content consumers are engaging with we're better able to contextually understand who they are to inform your activations.

Real-time market research
Real-time market research

The Nexxen Discovery platform analyzes content engagements and user behavior across digital, social and TV on-demand.

Our proprietary algorithms use natural language processing (NLP) and topic classification to understand context.

Nexxen Discovery helps answer your key business questions


Demographic profiles of your site visitors and first party audiences and what are they consuming


Keywords, topics, features and value props associated with your brand and your competitors


Seasonal and daypart engagement trends and consumption habits over time and at present


DMAs with highest level of engagement and which topics and interests are growing in popularity

Informed Activations
Informed Activations

Use your insights to help boost your reach and be more effective in reaching the right target consumer through the Nexxen DSP or SSP of your choice.

  • Creative messaging: Customize your insights using Nexxen Studios' real-time data-driven creative optimization
  • Smart Contextual audiences: Align with content based on real-time consumption
  • Custom audiences: Reach your consumers based on the content they consume and browsing behavior

Use your insights to help boost your reach and be more effective in reaching the right target consumer through the Nexxen DSP or SSP of your choice.

  • Creative messaging: Customize your insights using Nexxen Studios' real-time data-driven creative optimization
  • Smart Contextual audiences: Align with content based on real-time consumption
  • Custom audiences: Reach your consumers based on the content they consume and browsing behavior

Take a look at more of our capabilities and solutions

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