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Optica Publishing Group
  • Journal of Lightwave Technology
  • Vol. 24,
  • Issue 1,
  • pp. 295-
  • (2006)

Investigation of Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibers for the Generation of Millimeter Waves

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Stimulated Brillouin scattering (BS) in optical fibers is investigated for the generation of millimeter waves (mm-waves) for radio over fiber systems. Predictions of a numerical simulation are compared to experimental results, and both are in good agreement with each other. With the numerical simulation, the optimum parameter for the technique is calculated. It will be shown that the optimum length of the fiber for BS depends on the signal rather than on the pump power. This gives us the opportunity to adjust the parameters for any given fiber length. The advantages and limits of the proposed method for mm-wave generation are discussed.

© 2006 IEEE

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