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Optica Publishing Group
  • Journal of Lightwave Technology
  • Vol. 37,
  • Issue 9,
  • pp. 2050-2057
  • (2019)

Reduced Equalization Needs of 100 GHz Bandwidth Plasmonic Modulators

Open Access Open Access


As bit rates of optical interconnects increase, a large amount of complicated signal conditioning is needed to compensate for the insufficient bandwidth of current modulators. In this paper, we evaluate the reduced equalization requirements of high-bandwidth plasmonic modulators in short-reach transmission experiments. It is shown that transmission of 100 Gbit/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) and 112 Gbit/s pulse-amplitude modulation-4 over 1 km and 2 km distance is possible without any receiver equalization. At higher bit-rates, such as 120 Gbit/s NRZ, data transmission is demonstrated over 500 m with reduced receiver equalization requirements. Transmission up to 200 Gbit/s over 1 km is also shown with more complex receiver equalization. The reduced complexity of the receiver digital signal processing is attributed to a flat frequency response of at least 108 GHz of the plasmonic modulators. All single wavelength transmissions have been performed at 1540 nm in standard single mode fiber.

© 2019 CCBY

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