Objective: To describe the setting up of the Abruzzo Region (Italy) Service for Prevention and Epidemiological Register of Handicaps, to show prevalence data of occurring diseases and fit regression models aimed at explicating disease occurrence in terms of risk factors; to discuss services access data in terms of their efficacy in fitting social and health needs.
Setting and design: We managed data obtained from a regional information system, based upon primary information sources operating in the Local Health Agencies (i.e. school medicine services, general practitioners, paediatricians, familiar counseling services, rehabilitation centers) and specialistic structures for diagnostic detection (multidisciplinary school équipes, hospital division of infant neuropsychiatry, outpatient infant neuropsychiatry services). The data managing model is a population-based epidemiological register. The target population is the 0-24 years population of the Abruzzo Region.
Main outcome measures: Occurrence data are expressed as prevalence rates, using standardisation according to the global population of the area of interest. Diagnoses have been defined according to the standard ICD-9 and ICD-10 criteria; definition of handicaps has been made according to the WHO classification (1981). Association between indicator (socio-demographic and anamnestic) variables and occurrence of disease has been fitted by logistic regression models.
Results: Prevalence estimates obtained for the main infant neuropsychiatric diseases, as well as for the main handicap-determining genetic and/or congenital diseases, are consistent with the findings of literature in similar settings. An exception is the high occurrence of hyperkinetic disorders in both sexes. Rehabilitation is the main health need for all diagnostic axes. With respect to social needs, school and home personal care seem to be scarcely relevant if related to disease prevalence. Logistic regression analysis indicates socio-economic status and presence of handicapped relatives in the family as factors associated with the occurrence of disease. Respectively, the two factors are negatively associated with the occurrence of hyperkinetic disorders and positively associated with occurrence of mental retardation. Moreover, living in a natural family is negatively associated with evolutive disorders.
Conclusions: This is a report about the preliminary results obtained by a specialised register for infant psychological and neurological handicaps. The findings suggest, as operating indications, the standardisation of diagnostic procedures and the definition of common managing guidelines in different areas. Anyhow, the findings of this report highlight the importance of an epidemiological knowledge of handicap in order to design correct prevention strategies and health services planning.