BCG-CWS is a therapeutically potent immune activator which improves the prognosis of cancer patients. However, the targeting effector cells and molecules for BCG-CWS in the human immune system have not been determined. Here, we found that BCG-CWS activates human monocytes and concomitantly down-regulates expression of a human homologue of chicken MD-1 in the activated monocytes by differential display. According to a previous study, MD-1 forms a complex with the Toll family protein RP-105 on murine B cell lines to facilitate its stable expression. Thus, MD-1 may participate in regulation of innate immune activation on human monocytes. Our results, taken together with these recent findings regarding Toll family proteins, suggest that BCG-CWS acts on monocytes to modulate the human innate immune system via regulation of Toll family proteins.
Copyright 1999 Academic Press.