The effect of metallic copper on development of Aedes albopictus was studied in the laboratory. Multiwire electric cable was used as a source of metallic copper in flower saucers colonized by Ae. albopictus. A linear regression coefficient of 0.68 was obtained between copper concentration in the water during larval development and the relative production of adults. Larval mortality was higher in earlier instars with less evident effect on 4th-instar larvae and pupae. The effect of copper on larval development time and adult weight in both sexes was also observed. The strong algicidal action is presumed to only partially explain the effect of metallic copper on Ae. albopictus larvae. A direct toxic effect also may be involved. The use of metallic copper is suggested as a practical alternative method for preventing development of Ae. albopictus in small containers such as flower saucers found in urban areas.