It is difficult to evaluate renal function with 99mTc-MAG3 renography in both adult and pediatric patients. We examined 109 pediatric patients with various renal diseases using 99mTc-MAG3 renography. Tenal diseases were classified as follows: 9 vesicoureteral reflux, 4 ureteropelvic junctional stenosis, 3 double pelvis, 23 hydronephrosis, 4 glomerulonephritis, 4 nephrotic syndrome, 24 hemolytic uremic syndrome, 10 others; and 24 patients without abnormal findings on other examinations. After hydration and sedation, 100-200 MBq of 99mTe-MAG3 was injected intravenously. All patients were placed in the supine position, and dynamic data acquisition at 12 sec/frame x 100 frames was performed from the back. The renograms were prepared with the ROIs (regions of interest) set to include the entire kidney. Tmax and T1/2 of renograms were measured for 26 kidneys with no abnormal findings. The correlations between Tmax or T1/2 and age (days after birth) were determined by a linear or logarithmic function. The logarithmic function (Y = 7.49 - 0.56 logeX, r2 = 0.134) yielded a higher correlation than did the linear function (Y = 5.16 - 0.00194X, r2 = 0.089) between Tmax and age. For T1/2 and age (days after birth), the linear function (Y = 8.07 - 0.00451X, r2 = 0.222) yielded a higher correlation than the logarithmic function (Y = 11.9 - 0.986 logeX, r2 = 0.192). Our findings suggest that prolonged Tmax is normalized more rapidly than T1/2 after birth in infants. A delayed excretion phase is not suggestive of renal dysfunction, but is characteristic of renograms in pediatric patients. Abnormality was detected in all patients with hydronephrosis using 99mTc-MAG3 renography. On the other hand, a quantitative study was required because renography detected no abnormality for some of patients with disorders of renal parenchyma.