Here we describe the identification of an italian patient homozygote for the D579G mutation affected by a mild form of Cystic Fibrosis with pancreatic sufficiency, minor lung involvement and marked viscosity of the cervical mucous. The D579G mutation causes an A1868G transition, a substitution of an aspartic acid to a glycine residue, generating an important amino acid change (charged to hydrophobic) in the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). The mutation was first described by Brancolini et al. (1995) on two pancreatic sufficient CF patients, compound heterozygotes for delta508F. Patients were from Southern Italy (Puglia) as the D579G homozygote one, who is a 30 years old woman from Taranto (Puglia), daughter of second cousins born in Bari (Puglia). The identification of a homozygote D579G patient might confirm that this mutation does correlate with pancreatic sufficiency and a mild pulmonary phenotype.