In January 1995, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) adopted a voluntary set of principles to provide guidance for its member companies on the conduct and evaluation of pharmacoeconomic research. The principles were prepared by a working group of pharmacoeconomic scientists from the PhRMA Task Force on the Economic Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals. The principles were reviewed by a panel of academic experts and outside reviewers at each stage of their development. The PhRMA document consists of a set of broad principles that will foster high quality pharmacoeconomic research without impeding further methodological development of the field. Specific recommendations are offered in those methodological areas for which general agreement exists. However, no attempt was made to force a consensus for those methodological issues which have yet to be resolved. The principles address methodology and reporting of research rather than sponsor-investigator relationships or conflict of interest issues, which have been addressed elsewhere. This approach is based on the belief that the scientific integrity of pharmacoeconomic research is best ensured through the soundness of the research methods used and the full disclosure and transparency of all methods, analyses and results.