The purpose of this study was to prospectively compare the intraoperative transesophageal echocardiographic (IOTEE) findings with the operative findings in 1918 consecutive cardiac cases. Forty-eight discordant findings were found between the IOTEE and operative findings. Of the 48 discordant findings, most were related to valve pathology. Structural abnormalities that were missed by IOTEE included those of the aortic valve, 12 cases (25%), mitral valve, 13 cases (27%), and pulmonic and tricuspid valves, 5 cases (10%). Functional discrepancies occurred in 8% of cases. Overall, incidence of discrepant findings between IOTEE and operative findings was low (2.5%). This resulted in an alteration of the planned surgical procedure in a small number of cases (0.3%).