A clinical and radiographical study was performed to compare the outcome of oral rehabilitation in the edentulous mandible by fixed supraconstructions connected to implants installed according to either i) a 1-stage surgical procedure and immediate loading (Experimental Group-EG), or ii) the original 2-stage concept (Reference Group-RG). The EG comprised 16 subjects with edentulous mandibles. Beyond the non-smoking criteria the following specific inclusion criteria were adopted: i) all patients had to consider themselves to be in good general health, ii) the amount of bone had to enable the installation of 5-6, at least 10 mm long fixtures to be bicortically anchored (Mk II fixtures; Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) between the mental foramina, and iii) the patients had to be available for the follow-up and maintenance programme. A total of 88 implants were placed in the EG (16 patients) compared to 30 in the RG (11 patients). In the EG, fixed appliances were connected to the implants within 20 days following implant installation while the fixed appliances in the RG were connected about 4 months following fixture installation. At the time for delivery of the supraconstructions all 27 patients were radiographically examined, an examination that was repeated at the 18-month follow-up. The analysis of the radiographs from the EG disclosed that during the 18-month observation period the mean loss of bone support amounted to 0.4 mm. The corresponding value observed in the RG was 0.8 mm. During the 18-month observation period no fixture was lost in any of the 2 groups examined. The implants under study as well as those in the reference material were at all observation intervals found to be clinically stable. The present clinical study demonstrated that it is, at least based on an 18-month observation period, possible to successfully load titanium dental implants immediately following installation via a permanent fixed rigid cross-arch supraconstruction. However, such a treatment approach has so far to be strictly limited to the inter-foramina area of the edentulous mandible.