We report a 40-year-old Japanese woman who died after 12 years history of progressive dementia and abnormal behaviors. She was well until 1985 at her age of 28 years old, when she had an onset of behavioral change in which she drank much, neglected house-keeping works, and her life style became sloppy. At age 30, she became unable to understand written sentences, and paced up- and down in and out of her house. She was admitted to other hospital where marked dementia with disorientation and memory loss were noted. Slight increase in CSF protein and decrease in the peripheral nerve conduction velocity were also noted at that time. In the next year, she started to have convulsions. These symptoms had progressively become worse and was admitted to Tokyo Metropolital Matsuzawa Hospital in June of 1991 when she was 34 years of age. Despite marked dementia, she was able to walk normally, no motor paralysis, cerebellar ataxia, nor dyskinesia were noted. Deep tendon reflexes were diminished. MRI revealed T-2 high signal intensity lesions involving the white matter of the cerebrum predominantly in the frontal region. In about one year, she started to show difficulty in gait, and she became bed-ridden in July of 1994. She was discharged to home for a while, but required admission again. She expired on February 5, 1998. Her younger brother had an essentially similar dementing disease and he expired at the age of 35 years. The parents were of first cousins. The patient was discussed in a neurological CPC, and the chief discussant arrived at the conclusion that the patient had adult form of metachromatic leukodystrophy, because of white matter change in the frontal lobe, decrease in nerve conduction velocity, convulsion, marked dementia, and consanguineous marriage with a similarly affected brother. Most of the audience agreed with this conclusion, but the differential diagnosis from globoid cell leukodystrophy was felt difficult from the clinical findings alone. Post-mortem examination revealed marked atrophy in the frontal lobe. Cerebellum appeared to be smaller than normal. In the coronal sections, marked atrophy of the white matter with brown discoloration was noted. The lateral ventricles were dilated. Klüver-Barrera staining revealed marked demyelination with relative preservation of the U-fibers. PAS-positive materials were deposited in some astrocytes as well as neurons. Metachromatic deposits were noted not only in the cerebrum but also cerebllum after staining with acid cresyl violet. Pathologic diagnosis was consistent with adult type of metachromatic leukodystrophy.