The authors present the investigations and surgical treatment of two cases of duodenal cystic duplication. Abdominal pain and gastroesophageal reflux were the most important symptoms and signs associated with an history of recurrent acute pancreatitis. Computed tomography scan, ultrasound examination, and cholangiography confirmed preoperatively the diagnosis, and a transduodenal surgical approach was carried out in both children. A simple marsupialization of the cyst was performed in the former, and a sphincterotomy with papillosphincteroplasty was associated in the latter. The diagnosis was confirmed by microscopy, and both the children are asymptomatic after a 14 and 18 months of follow-up. This report focuses on the importance of the cholangiopancreatography for every child presenting with recurrent, unexplained bouts of acute pancreatitis, and underlines the technical surgical aspects on the basis of the anatomic identification of the malformation.