Monocyte-derived foam cells figure prominently in rupture-prone regions of atherosclerotic plaque. As urokinase/urokinase-receptor (u-PA/u-PAR) is the trigger of a proteolytic cascade responsible for ECM degradation, we have examined the effect of atherogenic lipoproteins on monocyte surface expression of u-PAR and u-PA. Peripheral blood monocytes, isolated from 10 healthy volunteers, were incubated with 10 to 200 microg/ml of native or oxidised (ox-) atherogenous lipoproteins for 18 h and cell surface expression of u-PA and u-PAR was analysed by flow cytometry. Both LDL and Lp(a) induced a dose-dependent increase in u-PA (1.6-fold increase with 200 microg/ml of ox-LDL) and u-PAR [1.7-fold increase with 200 microg/ml of ox-Lp(a)]. There is a great variability of the response among the donors, some of them remaining non-responders (absence of increase of u-PA or u-PAR) even at 200 microg/ml of lipoproteins. In positive responders, enhanced u-PA/u-PAR is associated with a significant increase of plasmin generation ( .9-fold increase with 200 microg/ml of ox-LDL), as determined by an amidolytic assay. Furthermore, monocyte adhesion to vitronectin and fibrinogen was significantly enhanced by the lipoproteins [respectively 2-fold and 1.7-fold increase with 200 microg/ml of ox-Lp(a)], due to the increase of micro-PAR and ICAM-1, which are receptors for vitronectin and fibrinogen. These data suggest that atherogenous lipoproteins could contribute to the development of atheromatous plaque by increasing monocyte adhesion and trigger plaque weakening by inducing ECM degradation.