Introduction: The aim of this project was to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of a teaching files database on diagnostic radiology accessible via the Internet and the World Wide Web. The Italian experience in developing a national database named "RadioDB" is presented.
Materials and methods: "RadioDB" is sponsored by the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM) and is based on a multicenter academic collaboration. It constitutes a collection of multimedia case record and teaching files. "RadioDB" is based on a Pentium workstation running a Structured Query Language (SQL) database and a World Wide Web server. Each case record contains at least one radiological image and a text file for case comment with key words and codes from the American College of Radiology (ACR). In most cases, a complete teaching file is also available. Peer reviewed teaching files available on this server are contributed via anonymous file transfer protocol (FTP) through the Internet from various Italian academic Departments of Radiology.
Results: Worldwide users can easily access and search "RadioDB" database through a World Wide Web query interface and retrieve on-the-fly case record and teaching files. Users can search the database by author name, description, key words, free text or ACR codes.
Conclusions: "RadioDB" enlarges the base of current off-line educational materials offering and it allows radiologists to improve their medical education.