Fragile X syndrome is recognized as the most common inherited cause of mental retardation in western countries. The prevalence of the fragile X syndrome in Asian populations is uncertain. We report a multi-institutional collaborative study of molecular screening for the fragile X syndrome from 1,127 Chinese mentally retarded (MR) individuals. We found that 2.8% of the Chinese MR population screened by DNA analysis had the fragile X full mutation. Our screening indicated that the fragile X syndrome prevalence was very close to that of Caucasian subjects. In addition, we found that 62.5% of fragile X chromosomes had a single haplotype for DXS548-FRAXAC1 (21-18 repeats) which was present in only 9.7% of controls. This unique distribution of microsatellite markers flanking the FMR1 CGG repeats suggests that the fragile X syndrome in Chinese populations, as in the Caucasian, may also be derived from founder chromosomes.