The homobasidiomycete Schizophyllum commune encodes a multiallelic pheromone receptor system that distinguishes more than 20 nonself from at least 2 self pheromones. The well-investigated pheromone response system of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to link the FUS1::lacZ reporter system to the heterologous pheromone receptors from S. commune. To investigate yeast G-protein binding, the unchanged heterologous receptor was compared to constructs carrying an exchange of the 3rd cytoplasmatic loop for the Ste2 sequence. A better coupling could be achieved with the altered constructs. In order to examine activation by single pheromones, an artificial peptide based on the sequence of a new putative pheromone gene, bap2(1), in the Balpha2 mating-type locus encoding the shortest pheromone found so far in fungal mating types was used. Thus, we have reassembled the pheromone recognition of the basidiomycete S. commune and constructed a system ideal for specificity analysis in the yeast S. cerevisiae.
Copyright 1999 Academic Press.