At relatively high frequencies, the application of an alternating current through the body or a body segment results in electromagnetic stray fields which reduce the amount of current actually injected into the tissue under study. This radiation effect can be reduced by use of a symmetrical configuration current source. The symmetry of such an arrangement, however, depends on the stray capacitances of the source with respect to surrounding equipment. To minimise these effects, it is required that the source is electrically isolated from the surrounding equipment and the subject under study. In this manner stray capacitances with respect to elements of the current source are reduced. In such a configuration common mode voltages to the input amplifier of the measuring system are also reduced. The paper describes design considerations and the implementation of a wideband current source capable of injecting alternating current in the order of 300 microARMS into biological tissue having impedances up to 1 k omega. Current stabilisation is obtained by means of a control circuit which measures the actual current passing through the tissue under study. Leakage currents arising from shielding and stray capacitances are compensated for. The usable frequency range is between 4 kHz and 1024 kHz and current stability is better than 0.2%. Through the use of a symmetrical, floating circuit a configuration is obtained which substantially reduces stray effects. The current source is connected to other circuits by means of two isolation ports: (1) a transformer coupling for the carrier frequency; and (2) an opto-coupler to transfer a phase reference signal obtained from current measurement. The current amplitude can be modulated by controlling the reference input to the control loop by means of a third auxiliary isolation port for transfer of the modulating signal.