Angus x Hereford heifers were used to determine endocrine and ovarian function preceding nutritionally induced anovulation. Six heifers were fed to maintain body condition score (M), and 12 heifers were fed a restricted diet (R) until they became anovulatory. Starting on d 13 of an estrous cycle, heifers were given PGF2alpha every 16 d thereafter to synchronize and maintain 16 d estrous cycles. Ovarian structures of M and R heifers were monitored by ultrasonography daily from d 8 to ovulation (d 1 of the subsequent cycle) until R heifers became anovulatory. Concentrations of LH and FSH were quantified in serum samples collected every 10 min for 8 h on d 2 and 15 (48 h after PGF2alpha), and estradiol and IGF-I were quantified in daily plasma samples from d 8 to 16 during the last ovulatory cycle (Cycle -2) and the subsequent anovulatory cycle (Cycle -1). During the last two cycles before anovulation, M heifers had 50% larger (P < .0001) ovulatory follicles than R heifers and 61% greater (P < .0001) growth rate of the ovulatory follicles. There was a treatment x cycle x day effect (P < .001) for concentrations of estradiol. The preovulatory increase in estradiol occurred in the R and M heifers during Cycle -2 but only in M heifers during Cycle -1. A treatment x cycle x day effect (P < .05) influenced LH concentrations. During Cycle -2, LH concentrations were similar for M and R heifers, but during Cycle -1, M heifers had greater LH concentrations than did R heifers. Concentrations of FSH were greater (P < .05) in R than M heifers after induced luteolysis when R heifers failed to ovulate. There was a treatment x cycle interaction (P < .05) for IGF-I concentrations, and M heifers had 4.7- and 8.6-fold greater IGF-I concentrations than did R heifers during Cycle -2 and -1, respectively. We conclude that growth rate and diameter of the ovulatory follicle, and concentrations of LH, estradiol, and IGF-I are reduced before the onset of nutritionally induced anovulation in beef heifers.