The Mound laboratory site in Miamisburg, OH, a former plutonium processing facility, contains approximately 40000 yd(3) (30,580 m3) of plutonium- and thorium-contaminated soils and sediments at levels that require remediation. Existing applicable remediation technologies are unsatisfactory, because they are expensive and do not provide volume reduction. ACT*DE*CON is a chemical soil leaching technology for the treatment of soils that utilizes contaminant dissolution via dilute selective solutions to remove radionuclides. In bench-scale tests, process parameters were developed for the optimal treatment of the Miami Erie Canal soil at the Mound site, combining the maximum plutonium removal with an acceptable amount of soil dissolution and minimizing the costs of reagents. Parameters evaluated included soil to extractant mass ratio, temperature, rinse solution composition, kinetics, and the application of several dewatering aids. Plutonium removal rates of >95% were achieved, and the residual plutonium in the treated soil proved to be very immobile-confirming that the process had removed the most accessible species of the radionuclide. Currently being tested at Mound is an engineering scale-up that includes an attrition scrubber, a counter-current extractor, and a reverse osmosis system. Economic evaluations based on bench-scale results put the treatment cost at US$278/yd(3) (US$364/m3), compared to US$350/yd(3) (US$458/m3) for the 'box-and-bury' baseline alternative treatment system.
Copyright 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.