Neurological complications following rubella are only rarely encountered. We report a case of isolated myelitis. A 44-year-old healthy female suffered from an erythematous macular rash which rapidly cleared. However, the following days, dysuria initiated hospitalization. On admission, she was febrile but alert and in normal mental status. General physical examination was quite unremarkable. Four days later, she suffered from acute urinary retention, fecal retention and vaginal hypoesthesia. Routine laboratory data, chest skull and spinal column X-rays were unremarkable. The sterile cerebrospinal fluid contained 30 lymphocytes/mm3, 0.48 g/ml of protein but normal amount of glucose. Rubella antibody titers showed a significant elevation and specific IgM were detected by immunocapture. Improvement was rapid and recovery was uneventful except a mild vaginal hypoesthesia that persisted 5 weeks later. Diffuse myelitis occurring shortly after rubella vaccination have also been described. The immunopathological mechanisms by which involvement of the nervous system occurs is far from clear. Little is known about the pathogenesis of post-vaccination myelitis and although the mecanism of sensitization and the specific neural antigens are not known, post-infectious and post-vaccinal myelitis are thought to share a common pathogenic basis.