The majority of esophageal perforations is caused by endoscopic procedures, while the spontaneous rupture, also known as Boerhaave's syndrome, is rare. Regardless of the cause the esophageal perforation is an urgent surgical problem. The main diagnostic method is a water-soluble contrast study of the esophagus, probably supplemented by a CT-scan. In case of uncertain diagnosis or localisation eosophagoscopy should be performed. We believe that esophageal perforation should be operated, the factor "time" seems to be important for prognosis. In case of early surgical treatment (within 24 hours) a primary suture is sufficient and safe. Only after a delay in diagnosis with extended mediastinal spillage and necrosis of the esophageal wall the use of autogenous tissue to buttress the esophageal repair may be necessary. Esophagectomy should only be performed for perforated carcinomas. We treated 10 patients in a 4-years-period by primary surgical repair combined with drainage. Nine of them survived, only a 82-years old patient died because of an unresectable perforated esophageal carcinoma.