Background and purpose: The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate the application of constraint-induced movement therapy with an individual with upper-extremity hemiparesis within 4 months after sustaining a cerebrovascular accident (stroke). Such patients often fail to develop full potential use of their affected upper extremity, perhaps due to a "learned nonuse phenomenon."
Case description: The patient was a 61-year-old woman with right-sided hemiparesis resulting from an ischemic lacunar infarct in the posterior limb of the left internal capsule. The patient's less-involved hand was constrained in a mitten so that she could not use the hand during waking hours, except for bathing and toileting. On each weekday of the 14-day intervention period, the patient spent 6 hours being supervised while performing tasks using the paretic upper extremity. Pretreatment, posttreatment, and 3-month follow-up outcome measures included the Wolf Motor Function Test and the Motor Activity Log (MAL).
Outcomes: For the Wolf Motor Function Test, both the mean and median times to complete 16 tasks improved from pretreatment to posttreatment and from posttreatment to follow-up. Results of the MAL indicated an improved self-report of both "how well" and "how much" the patient used her affected limb in 30 specified daily tasks. These improvements persisted to the follow-up.
Discussion: Two weeks of constraining the unaffected limb, coupled with practice of functional movements of the impaired limb, may be an effective method for restoring motor function within a few months after cerebral insult. Encouraging improvements such as these strongly suggest the need for a group design that would explore this type of intervention in more detail.