TREK-1 is a member of the novel structural class of K(+) channels with four transmembrane segments and two pore domains in tandem (1,2). TREK-1 is opened by membrane stretch and arachidonic acid. It is also an important target for volatile anesthetics (2,3). Here we show that internal acidification opens TREK-1. Indeed, lowering pH(i) shifts the pressure-activation relationship toward positive values and leads to channel opening at atmospheric pressure. The pH(i)-sensitive region in the carboxyl terminus of TREK-1 is the same that is critically involved in mechano-gating as well as arachidonic acid activation. A convergence, which is dependent on the carboxyl terminus, occurs between mechanical, fatty acids and acidic stimuli. Intracellular acidosis, which occurs during brain and heart ischemia, will induce TREK-1 opening with subsequent K(+) efflux and hyperpolarization.