The fibers of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) are single-cell trichomes that undergo rapid and synchronous elongation. Cortical microtubules provide spatial information necessary for the alignment of cellulose microfibrils that confine and regulate cell elongation. We used gene-specific probes to investigate alpha-tubulin transcript levels in elongating cotton fibers. Two discrete patterns of transcript accumulation were observed. Whereas transcripts of alpha-tubulin genes GhTua2/3 and GhTua4 increased in abundance from 10 to 20 d post anthesis (DPA), GhTua1 and GhTua5 transcripts were abundant only through to 14 DPA, and dropped significantly at 16 DPA with the onset of secondary wall synthesis. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of gene-specific changes in tubulin transcript levels during the development of a terminally differentiated plant cell. The decrease in abundance of GhTua1 and GhTua5 transcripts was correlated with pronounced changes in cell wall structure, suggesting that alpha-tubulin isoforms may be functionally distinct in elongating fiber cells. Although total alpha-tubulin transcript levels were much higher in fiber than several other tissues, including the hypocotyl and pollen, none of the alpha-tubulins was specific to fiber cells.