Objective: To test the hypothesis that some lupus anticoagulants are antiprothrombin antibodies, and that such antibodies enhance prothrombin binding to endothelial cells (EC) and thus promote clotting on the cell surface.
Methods: We generated a monoclonal antiprothrombin antibody (designated IS6) from a patient with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). The antibody was analyzed for its binding properties, lupus anticoagulant activity, and pathophysiologic activity, using an EC-based plasma coagulation assay.
Results: IS6 is the first patient-derived monoclonal IgG antiprothrombin antibody. It bound to prothrombin with low affinity, reacted with 3 phospholipids (cardiolipin, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine), and showed lupus anticoagulant activity. Moreover, IS6 enhanced the binding of prothrombin to damaged EC and shortened the EC-based plasma coagulation times.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that IS6 may promote coagulation in areas of damaged EC in the host, and thus contribute to thrombosis in patients with APS.