The coreceptor molecule, CD4, plays an integral part in T cell activation; it is involved in both extracellular Ag recognition and intracellular signaling. We wanted to examine the functional role of CD4 in the recognition of agonist and altered peptide ligands (APLs). We generated two CD4-deficient T cell lines expressing well-characterized TCRs specific for Hb(64-76)/I-Ek. Although the responsiveness of the T cell lines to the agonist peptide was differently affected by the loss of CD4 expression, the recognition of APLs was in both cases dramatically reduced. Nearly full responsiveness to the agonist peptide was achieved by expression of a CD4 variant that did not associate with p56lck; however, the stimulation by APLs was only partially restored. Importantly, the expression of a CD4 variant in which domains interacting with MHC class II molecules have been mutated failed to restore the reactivity to all ligands. CD4-deficient T cells were able to be antagonized by APLs, indicating that CD4 was not required for antagonism. Overall, these findings support the concepts that CD4 is an integral part of the initial formation of the immunological synapse, and that the requirement for different CD4 functions in T cell activation varies depending upon the potency of the ligand.