Introduction and material: Nine brains belonging to early onset Alzheimer disease (E280A-PS1 mutation) affected individuals from Antioquia, Colombia, were analyzed by neuropathological standard techniques. All individuals were ascertained from genealogies descendents from a common ancestor that shows a dominant autosomical pattern of inheritance.
Results: All cases analyzed were carriers to the E280A-PS1 mutation. This type of mutation produce beta-amyloid deposits of 42 aminoacids in the CNS. The mean of onset age was 48.4 years with an average of evolution time of 7.55 years and a mean of death age of 56.55. Although, all the cases showed symmetrical atrophy and them was more severe in the hippocampal region, a definitive anterior pattern (temporo-frontal) was showed. The higher the time of evolution of disease the lower the brain weight.
Conclusions: All types of senile plaques and abundant neurofibrillary tanggles were found. In the stem, similar lesions were found but they were in lower number. Only the mesencephalic region showed a significative positive correlation between the number of senile plaques and the number of neurofibrillary tanggels (p < 0.05, r = 0.76). Only the parietal region showed a significant positive correlation between the number of senile plaques and the disease evolution time (p < 0.02, r = 0.74). Particularly, the cerebellum only showed senile plaques but neurofibrillary degeneration was not observed. With the exception of the Hirano bodies, all findings traditionally described were observed.