We cloned the chick homolog of Xenopus and mouse Frzb-1, a secreted Wnt antagonist and performed in situ hybridizations to determine the pattern of cFrzb-1 expression in the developing chick embryo. At early stages, cFrzb-1 transcripts are located exclusively in the ectodermal layer corresponding to the neural plate. The labelling continues in the neural tube, but is always excluded from the floor plate. cFrzb-1 mRNA is expressed by migrating cephalic and truncal neural crest cells. Later, cFrzb-1 transcripts are found in a subset of neural crest derivatives such as cephalic cartilage, nerves and spinal ganglia. In addition to ectodermal derivatives, cFrzb-1 transcripts were also observed in mesodermal derivatives such as vertebral and limb cartilage, the adrenal cortex, the gonads, and a subpopulation of blood cells.