The findings of an ampelographic analysis of vines belonging to a Germoplasm Bank were compared to the results of native electrophoresis of the total proteins in their musts. Cluster analysis of the data from the morphological description produced correct groupings, in terms of variety, for all samples. When cluster analysis was performed on the electrophoretic data, 10 of the 11 musts studied were grouped correctly. Electrophoresis was also performed on 30 musts made from a mixture of grapes from large vineyards. In the cluster analysis of the electrophoretic data on the proteins of the 41 musts studied, all the musts are grouped correctly in terms of variety. Electrophoretic analysis of proteins is a simple technique that can be used routinely, provides complementary information to morphological analysis for varietal characterization of vines, and in the majority of cases, makes it possible to ascertain the grape variety from which musts originate.