Lipid emulsions provided with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) have been associated with mononuclear phagocytic system functional changes. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the influence of TPN with added lipid emulsions on macrophage (M phi) phagocytosis. Wistar rats (n = 70) with external jugular vein cannulation were randomized into seven groups. The rats received an oral diet or six different isocaloric (1.16 kcal/mL), isonitrogenous (1.5 g/mL), and isolipidic (30% non-protein calories) TPN regimens: (a) an oral diet with intravenous infusion of saline (OS); (b) non-lipid TPN (glucose); (c) TPN with 10% long chain triacylglycerol emulsions (LCT); (d) TPN with 90% LCT and 10% fish oil (FO) emulsion; (e) TPN with 50% LCT and 50% FO; (f) TPN with 10% lipid emulsion with 50% medium chain triacylglycerol (MCT) and 50% LCT; and (g) TPN with 45% MCT, 45% LCT, and 10% FO. After 96 h of TPN or saline infusion, colloidal carbon (Pelikan, Germany) was injected intravenously at 1.0 mL/kg body weight, and the rats were killed after 3 h. Liver, spleen, and lung were weighed and prepared by immunohistochemistry analyses with the HAM-56 anti-M phi antibody. Under light microscopy, the total M phi number (MT) and the colloidal carbon phagocytic M phi number (MP) were established, and the phagocytic index was calculated as MP/MT x 100. There were no statistical (P < 0.05) differences in liver, spleen, or lung weights among the seven groups in comparison with the OS group. Non-lipid TPN inhibited spleen and lung M phi phagocytosis when compared with the OS and lipid-TPN groups. Lipid TPN supplemented with fish oil emulsion increased total liver and lung M phi number and phagocytosis. These results indicate that TPN supplemented with fish oil increases M phi phagocytosis in rats.