In light of recent endoscopic techniques the current value of double-contrast pharyngography (DCP) and of CT for detection and staging of hypo-, oropharyngeal, and supraglottic tumors is evaluated. The DCP of 151 patients and CT obtained from 99 of these patients were retrospectively analyzed in a double-blinded manner. We used a standard protocol which comprised all relevant anatomical subregions. Results were compared with direct microlaryngoscopy (DL), indirect laryngoscopy (IL), and post-operative histopathological findings. Sensitivity and specificity of DCP was 75.0 % and 86.7 %, respectively. The DCP and IL techniques together yielded a higher sensitivity (96.7 %) than each method separately. Sensitivity and specificity of CT was 87.5 and 100 %, respectively. In 74.7 % CT provided correct staging. Subregional analysis revealed that the results of DCP and CT depend highly on the localization of the tumor. Our results indicate that DCP represents an important screening method for diagnosing hypo-, oropharyngeal, and supraglottic tumors to complete IL and DL. We show that CT is a reliable method for preoperative staging, although small superficial tumors may occasionally be missed by this method.