Individuals with a negative intradermal reaction to tuberculin PPD have long been described in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposed, immune-competent population. Here, we studied PPD-specific blood T lymphocytes from these subjects for phenotypic markers relevant to skin migration, including the expression of the skin-selective homing receptor, the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA). Out of 82 patients with active tuberculosis we identified four subjects who were repeatedly PPD skin test-negative. CD4 T lymphocytes specific to mycobacterial antigens were derived from these individuals, which (i) proliferated in vitro to M. tuberculosis antigens comparably to those from PPD+ patients; (ii) secreted comparable amounts of IL-2 but lower amounts of IFN-gamma; (iii) were confined within the CLA-negative T cell subset. We conclude that the negative tuberculin reaction in a small subset of patients exposed to mycobacteria is associated with impaired production of IFN-gamma by circulating PPD-specific T cells that are lacking CLA expression. On this basis in vitro proliferation to PPD can discriminate bona fide non-responders from infected patients with a deficit in the margination of M. tuberculosis-specific T lymphocytes.