Two hundred eighty-four consecutive patients with 438 native coronary artery stenoses were enrolled prospectively in a study of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)-guided provisional percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA): (1) IVUS-guided, aggressive lesion-site media-to-media balloon sizing, (2) IVUS assessment of residual lumen dimensions to identify optimal PTCA results (minimum lumen area > or =65% of the average of the proximal and distal reference lumen areas or > or =6.0 mm2 and no major dissection), and (3) liberal stent crossover. Overall, 206 stenoses in 134 patients were treated with PTCA alone. Reasons for crossover were flow-limiting or lumen compromising dissections in 28% of patients or a suboptimal IVUS minimum lumen area in 72% of patients. Sixty-three stenoses (27%) were treated with Gianturco-Roubin stents and 169 (73%) with Palmaz-Schatz stents. The clinical success rate and major in-hospital complication rates were similar in the optimal PTCA and stent crossover groups. At 1 year, 42 patients (15%) with 53 stenoses (12%) underwent revascularization: 8% of stenoses in the PTCA group and 16% in the stent crossover group. In approximately half of the patients treated using an IVUS guided aggressive PTCA strategy, stent implantation could be avoided without sacrificing an increase in acute complications or late clinical outcome. This provides an alternative strategy for interventionalists less inclined to use routine elective stenting.