The fiber structure in the anterior limb of the internal capsule was investigated in a region where stereotactic lesions (anterior capsulotomy) result in successful treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Eight human hemispheres were sectioned in comparable planes parallel to the ACPC plane. Microscopic slices were labeled with DiI and analyzed with confocal laser and polarized light microscopy. Three distinct systems of fibers were detected. Single fibers run from the caudate nucleus to the lentiform nucleus. The anterior thalamic peduncle connects the mediodorsal and partially the anterior thalamic nucleus with the frontal lobe. The frontopontine tract system connects the frontal lobe with the pons. This fiber tract occupies 38% of the anterior limb and is arranged in small bands. Right-left comparison of morphometric parameters of these bundles demonstrated that more and smaller bundles were located on the left-hand side than on the right-hand side. Tendencies for this configuration were noticeable in all brains investigated, with statistical significance in one brain. These morphological differences correlate with functional differences, as it was possible to demonstrate right hemispheric dysfunctions in cases of OCD. The benefit of anterior capsulotomy in OCD is generally seen in the interruption of fronto-basal ganglia-thalamic loops by disconnecting the anterior thalamic peduncle. In addition, the frontopontine fiber tract is disconnected in this stereotactic procedure.