This study evaluated whether cocaine use patterns changed following investigational intravenous cocaine administration to intravenous-naive cocaine users. Subjects were respondents to a follow-up survey who had participated in one to three intravenous double-blind cocaine (0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg) administration studies. The group included healthy men (n = 17) and women (n = 8) with histories of occasional cocaine use (lifetime self-reported use of 12+/-12 (mean +/- S.D.) exposures, primarily via nasal insufflation) who were recontacted an average of 39 weeks (range 7-107 weeks) after study participation. The recontacted group constituted 45% of the total eligible sample of 55 subjects. Baseline demographics for the recontacted and non-recontacted (n = 30) samples were similar, suggesting that the recontacted sample was representative of the group as a whole. Investigational cocaine exposure did not induce adverse health events in any subject. Self-reported cocaine use estimates obtained at follow-up were compared to baseline estimates obtained with identical questionnaires and were highly concordant (Spearman rank correlation p = 0.52 and 0.78, respectively; P < 0.02 and < 0.0002, respectively). This suggests that participants provided stable and reliable reports of cocaine use. No subject reported either illicit intravenous cocaine use or altered frequency of illicit cocaine use by the customary route after investigational intravenous cocaine exposure. These data suggest that illicit cocaine use frequencies and routes of administration are not altered following investigational intravenous cocaine administration to healthy, occasional cocaine users.