Biological systems used as biological dosimeters can possess different angular sensitivities from the detectors usually used in physical devices. A simple experimental setup has been developed and used to measure the angular sensitivity of uracil thin-layer biological dosimeters. Results of angular sensitivity measurements for uracil thin-layer dosimeters are presented using a Xe arc lamp as the UV source. According to the experiments described here, uracil thin-layer dosimeters show a cosine-type angular dependence. In several indoor experiments broadband UV meters are used to control the applied dose rate from a given artificial UV source. The experimental setup has been designed and used to verify experimentally the importance of spectral and angular sensitivity differences of biological and physical UV meters applied in biological experiments. Model calculations for two different irradiation systems, using different geometrical arrangements of artificial UV sources, are also presented. For these arrangements relative dose rates that could be measured with dosimeters of arbitrary spectral, but different angular sensitivity have been calculated.